
Howdy officer. Beat any minorities today? Fuck the cops and anyone who cooperates with them. And the lily white peckerwoods who argue for snitching. You upvvote this shit you’re rat fink scum

This is gonna be all of us in a few decades 

1) Didn’t skim it.

“Antonio needs help, from his agent, from his manager, from his loved ones, from his doctors, and he’s not getting it.”

“Mostly Bad for also giving supremely talented rapists and murderers a second chance.”

Psst: Its this one.  

Not the Antonio Brown come back story I expected.

The ball is clearly juiced. But your arguments are a slow dribbler to the pitcher.

+4 dead in Ohio

They should have told the Kent State administration to fuck off and kept playing. I mean, what are they gonna do about it, call in the National Guard?

JEERS to Kent State for once again showing that, lip service to women’s athletics aside, football comes first

That’s the other accepted way to earn a Kiko Alonzo jersey

Of course, fans can boo. But also, people are entitled to call you an asshole if you do.

And this dude’s not in the grays?

People want replay because they can’t live with the perceived unfairness of their team doing everything right (or at least doing enough right to win), and having success taken from them arbitrarily from a third-party. And yet, many of these same people will vote for Republicans. 

But this was comedy

Language in and of itself can be violent. That is most certainly true in the case of verbal abuse like this.

Maybe this will teach people you can’t say whatever you want without consequences.

And how they treated Mighty Mouse is pathetic.

I’m sorry, but this is part of what’s wrong with baseball. Next time they should put it in his ear!

I just assumed they sold 0 units.