
Fuck Scott Walker, and fuck the fuckery he pulled in this state for eight fucking years.  I think it’s hilarious that he couldn’t get a recount because of his own law.  I don’t believe in karma at all (there is no cosmic balancing force), but that shit was fucking awesome.  FUCK SCOTT WALKER IN THE FACE!!! 

Millenial?!?  You take that back!  I’m 43 years old, you dirty old liar!

I understood that reference!

Hopefully this smug,smarmy, cuntknuckle, booger-eating, drippy dicked, choad licker will take the hint and join his good buddy Paul Ryan in retirement. I just want to say I don't have anything against Scott Walker as a person... But no Happy Trails bitch

Professional athletes, once again, show that they have the thinnest skin of any profession on Earth. I didn’t do my job therefore my feelings are hurt.

It’s porpoises, jeez.


Underrated comment of the day.

Right?  I’m fucking sick of this “good guy with a gun” narrative shit that these yahoos keep spouting. These terrorists are managing to take out/take down multiple cops, swat teams.......and these gun-toting assholes constantly say “IF ONLY THERE HAD BEEN A GOOD GUY WITH A GUN”

Yeah..... it was more of a rhetorical question.  

I mean, someone correct me if I’m wrong, but if party A and B agree to a consensual act, and Party A has party B sign an NDA, but at some point during the consensual act, party B states “I am no longer consenting to this activity”, and Party A continues to assault/sex/whatever Party B, you, as Party A are not, in fact

If if two players are focusing on one player, then the rest of your team should have a numbers advantage against the rest of the other team right?

Right right. This article is literally someone bitching that other characters can do what her favorite character can do.

I have I have to say, I’m a little cheesed that this article really doesn’t give any credit to the crew for their fantastic pitching. Something’s definitely Brewing here in Milwaukee as far as having a World Series contender. 

Which which is why I said, to be fair the Brewers play in the NL in Davis is a bad outfielder. The guy has the worst arm of anybody that plays any innings in the Outfield in the entire Major Leagues. I understand why the move was made, it made sense. It still stings when you see one of your homegrown talents go

My team (the brewers) traded him away for Jacob fucking Nottingham. Fuck me. Now....to be fair the crew plays in the nl and Davis is a pretty bad outfielder, but I always liked this guy coming up, and you just find a way to get that kind of power into the lineup.

I am a Badger fan, so if I have a rooting interest, it’s the Badgers. Paul Cryst (chryst?) Seems like a generally ok guy. He has decent interactions with the media, he’s not a screamer/yeller, he hasn’t murdered any of his athletes with heat and overwork, and so far, none of his staff have molested kids for years on

Hahahaha, college football coaches are pretty much like politicians, if we really want to get to the core of things. 95% (or more) of them are pretty rotten, baseless, morally devoid fuckfaces who don’t give a shit about anyone or anything.

I I hesitated a long time to respond to this. I’ve dealt with seizures on and off for 12 years. One day at work I set up at my desk and long story short had no recollection of my day. To my Dawning disbelief and ultimately, horror, and entire workday had passed and it was wiped from my memory. I looked through my work

As others have said and will say... Any excuse is a bad excuse for domestic violence. In the end, “she cheated “ or “she took my cell phone” being used as justification for phyiscal violence is garbage. When someone says “I want to know what started it!”, that points to, in my mind, that person thinking the woman