
It is irrelevant. If she called him a booger eater, called his mama fat, whatever. He detained her (kidnapped) and beat her. If she cheated on him, it still doesnt matter, that doesnt give one the right to do what this guy (allegedly) did.

I feel like at this point a judge or someone should just say “hey, you know what? Anyone who is still alive who, even peripherally, helped harm or allowed to be harmed, any young women by Larry Nassar, go the fuck to prison for the rest of your life, starting right now.”

When when you are as wild as this guy, you don’t reserve the right to throw brush back pitches. I generally find most Unwritten Rules to be pretty stupid and unnecessary, but when you hit as many batters as Urena does, you better be God damn sure you have a little bit of control when you’re coming inside like that,

Easy. Give him a 30 game suspension

My former best friend started dating a 17 year old when he was 38.  Yeah.... we’re not friends anymore.  

“Decency". Letting a guy bleed for 3 hours to teach him a lesson for crossing picket lines. That's decency?

“come at me”

I dont even disagree. But doing dumb shit is not joking about fucking children.

I mean I mean, neither is joking about pedophilia.... Disney should have done their due diligence before hiring the guy and that's on them. But yeah, Disney has a standard, everyone knows what it is it's not like it's a big secret

There’s being a mentor, and there’s being a dick.  Bud Norris is being a dick.  

Right.  It’s like telling a person suffering from depression to stop being sad.  That’s just not how it works.  

I’ll update l his condition for you. His ankle is fucked up. Now we don’t have to wait for a report from ESPN or MLB.

I was watching the Brewers broadcast (hoping they’d actually, ya know, play a game), and the Brewers have a studio guy, Jerry Augustine, who might be the worst studio/booth guy in the biz. He sounds like he’s got a bit of a speech impediment, and he talks really fast. His best is his constant use of the word

That is for sure poop water.

Yes. When Strickland beaned Bryce Harper for a homerun he hit off him THREE FUCKING YEARS ago in the playoffs. Strickland is a goon, and he’s everything that’s wrong with the ass-hattery of the unwritten rules of baseball. When and if this shit ever stops, and the Hunter Strickland’s of baseball are no more, the game

I was last in a band in 2005-ish? and I was in my late 20's/early 30's. At that time I was like “eh, this was probably my last chance to be in a band”.

I’m glad to see this, even though I almost never play Symmetra. No one should EVER get reported for simply picking a hero they want to play as, even in comp mode. I see nothing wrong with getting on a mic and saying “hey can you flex to tank?” or something like that but reporting people for playing Symmetra or Widow

Interesting that there’s no stories from DM/GM’s about how some of their greatest creations were laid low by PC’s. I would think that would count as well, yes?

Classic meta-gaming. Everyone exists in the world to provide us information, or for us to kill and give us XP.

If Revere doesn’t hit .300, he’s worse than an end-of-the-bench player. He doesn’t walk like.... ever, and hits with all the power of a soap bubble that just wafted across the yard from a child’s bubble wand. He’s hit .217 and .275 the last 2 years and has actually had negative defensive value, despite his speed.