
I pitched in a bar league for about 10 years and god dammit I’d take about 3 comebackers per season right offa the shins. There is no walking that shit off. That hurts clear into tomorrow.

gawdamn right it is. I’ve been here for years and half the time I have a comment, I don’t bother because it’s likely to not be seen.


He was out. He also pulled guard on the ref, which is a pretty clear indication he was KTFO

I think he actually is that stupid. The proof is in his post.

Son of a bitch.....

Yeah, Holland played that out perfectly. A kid knowing he’s going to fade into dust in the next few moments is going to react with terror/panic, and that’s how it played out.

Congrats. You’re “that guy”.

These people are not “resisting arrest”. They are “fighting for their life”. Whatever any Trump supporter may think or say “don’t resist and you’ll be fine!”. That’s not how it works. A guy can be doing nothing, and a cop can yell “STOP RESISTING!!!!” and continue beating a man’s head on the ground. When you’re in

Counterpoint : Fuck the Red Sox

Savage af

This guy has nothing on Brooks Kieschnick


Hey fellow rock county-ian!


He he keeps an office right downtown here. He does work out of this office every few weeks. You know I’m going to try to do this right?

You’re thinking of the place called Bishops right? Sadly that closed long ago. There is surprisingly still a bishops open in Dubuque Iowa.

I would happily do that for free. If the opportunity presents itself however I’m going to record myself doing it and I will absolutely post it here.

Gonna be honest. I am not. I will make every effort to avoid wal mart though. They dump on their employees and treat their customers like shit.

I have never been in a banana republic.