1.) Its walmart
1.) Its walmart
My my next door neighbor and longtime best friend of over 20 years used to be the department manager of electronics in the Janesville Walmart. Longtime fuck face and Janesville resident Paul Ryan happened to drop in there I believe this was 5 or 6 years ago.
I live in paul ryan’s hometown, and let me fucking tell you, he is every bit the troll, gremlin, goblin, creep, fuckface you imagine him to be.
“Heres a slo-mo gif of someone getting tripped by Rudy gobert”
I would say in esports, that the majority of your players are 17 - 20 years old, haven’t been exposed to media a whole lot yet, unlike say, a college football player who’s had a microphone in his face after dozens of games or whatever. Being on twitch or whatever just isn’t the same. You’re not facing the same kind…
That Jonah Hill “cosplay” killed me fuckin’ dead.
Right? Like, I want to enjoy OWL and these player’s exploits. I had been hopping on my PS4 about once a week and watching a match or even 2. But man..... every single day there’s a new report that some Overwatch pro player can’t meet the minimum expected requirements for Socially Acceptable Behavior, and it’s quickly…
You’d think I’d learn after the Gordon Hayward video, but no. God I’m stupid.
If you’re protesting, ever, on any day, during the day, it’s assumed by the “others”, that you don’t in fact, have a job. There’s no way you can go 45 seconds without one person countering with “get a job” during a protest.
tl:dr “there’s an overwatch article and it’s bothering me”
Mayweather let McGregor hang around long enough so that the people who paid for that shitshow felt like they got their money’s worth. By the 6th round, McGregor was so gassed he could have been knocked over with a pillow(hand), and Mayweather carried him for 3 more rounds.
Rose and Poe? She doesn’t even MEET Poe until the end of TLJ. She never crosses paths with him in TFA, and he introduces himself to her at the very end of TLJ. They aren’t her family at that point.
Need. Not “want”, but need.
Based on that picture, he’s been putting away some McDoubles.
Vivek ranadive from bombay = “white”. Nah bruh. Nah.I know that fits your narrative but it’s not correct.
No you dont.
No, I get it that that was their business model for a long time and it worked. but they have showed an absolute lack of either willingness or ability to adapt in the digital Marketplace for one thing. when everyone, right down to 10 year olds carry an internet machine with them everywhere they go,continuing to charge…