
It’s easy to say “It wasn’t their fault”, but Toys R Us has always charged higher than retail prices on a lot of premium toys. Go look at ANY lego set, and a set that’s $19.99 at Wal-Mart, Target, or ANY other retailer is $25 dollars at Toys R Us. An action figure that’s $9.99 at those places is $12 or $13 dollars at

The Clippers didn’t actually get the rebound. Yes I’m highlight truthing. The Bulls boxed out and then kicked the ball out of bounds.

I can’t imagine a circumstance or scenario where there would be

Im guessing Rib Ford wasnt a typo.

When I saw what he was using for an anchor, my palms immediately clammed up. Even having read the article and knowing he made it........wow.

My neighborhood has a HOA, which consists of “you can’t have a free standing garage” and “no free standing sheds”. We put in a shed like 6 years ago and nobody has said a word.

I feel like it’s mandatory that most neighborhoods that aren’t in a gated community have exactly one of these types

The guy across the street from me is probably related to David. He always has 3-4 “projects” that he never finishes. Right now there’s a Jetta parked in the street that hasn’t moved in 3 months, a Chrysler “something or other” in the driveway that looks similar in condition to the Rio above, and a mid-80's Vette also

Comparing a potentially bad mary poppins movie to bill cosby raping women is a bad take.

I’ll also add that some of the new Transformers movies are complete garbage and I understand why people may not like the new Star Wars movies. I don’t understand the notion that this ruins your enjoyment of things you did 15 20 30 or 40 years ago

Yeah. Dedinitely full stop full stop. Dont stop the full stop on full stop.

My brother uses this argument against the new Star Wars movies and the Transformers movies. He says they are ruining his childhood. No. Your childhood already happened, those memories are set in stone they cannot be altered. If you choose to think poorly of something that happened in your childhood because of

Your childhood can’t be destroyed. It already happened. If this movie is a dud, you can still watch the original Mary Poppins and enjoy it for what it was.


Stop saying “full stop”

A whole thread about catch/not a catch and everyone fails to mention that it doesn’t matter because Rodgers had 1:13 and would have drove and ripped the Cowboys hearts out anyways. This is all a moot point.

I’m pretty sure Detroit Mercy and Jacksonville State are not, in fact, doing what Duke and Louisville and UNC are doing.

Right? I want to know how she trained TEN FUCKIN YEARS for this, and didnt learn a single god damn trick!!!

This is why there are people that are legit pissed that that other chick scammed her way into the olympics. People like Lindsey dump their heart and soul into it, and someone else buys some plane tickets and says “lol, im an olympics!”

As I did the slow grind up the ladder at the last place I worked, I told my boss after a promotion “pretty soon you guys are going to figure out I have no idea what I’m doing”. She laughed like I just said a funny joke or something, and wasn’t being totally serious.