Rockstars that complain about being famous and shit are ........ well.... tools. Dude, suck it up and do your thing.
Rockstars that complain about being famous and shit are ........ well.... tools. Dude, suck it up and do your thing.
Welcome to Deadspin!. “Warning, graphic, gratuitous injury that we’re posting for no reason, WARNING DONT WATCH IT! But for real, check this shit out, it’s aaaaaaaawesome!”
I hate the fact that I’m going to get this fucking thing (my fourth lego falcon) to get that fucking lando. Fuck off Lego.
I aim to entertain
Here’s some advice. Don’t watch it!
Thank you kind sir. :)
Oh yeah.... Thats some pretty tight lydia cosplay going on up there too. To stay on topic and all.
I had married Lydia, and was using Stenvar as my follower. Me and Stenvar were best buds. He came over to my house and we sat around the fire and ate poisonous herbs and got high af bruh, for real. Then one time he came over and we were just hanging out, and he was like “eh?” and he gestured at Lydia, like he wanted…
I mean but nah. If by “hit in the chest first” you mean his chest is his head then yeah. Debatable if the hit was legal (maybe) because Jenkins certainly didn’t lead with the crown of his helmet but he absolutely didn’t hit his chest first.
Bruh. That is one tough sumbitch.
Still no Leroy Butler.
Thought the same. The amount of savage, hard-to-look-at injuries this year seems to be way more than normal. (and yet I keep watching these videos of gruesome injuries)
Yeah..... Still puzzling that one out.
I mean there was 2011, when they won 96 games and took the division and then.....well, crapped the bed in the NLCS by putting an obviously completely gassed and ineffective shaun marcum on the hill for game 6, where he predictably got bombed in the first inning. But yeah, that was a good and fun team, with Nyjer…
“English tv didn’t show replay of the incident”. Interesting. American tv shows replays of gruesome, graphic injuries multiple times, from every possible angle.
The only question that needs to be asked at this point is this. How the fuck are all of larry nassars enablers and hush people not being charged with shit?
One of my friends on facebook posted “am I the only person over 40 that thinks Logan Paul is entertaining?”