Counter counter point. Nah just fuck the Cubs. Fuck them with a rusty fence post.
Counter counter point. Nah just fuck the Cubs. Fuck them with a rusty fence post.
Fuck the Cubs and fuck their insufferable fans who think they’re suddenly baseball royalty after their team won a world series for the first time since about the time the Wright brothers were discovering powered flight.
I saw both the Anderson Silva and Corey Hill leg snaps, so this was gross, but hot horrific to me. I’m jaded.
Thank you for this mental image. I smiled.
Also, FFS, I’ve been posting here for 4 years, why am I still in the grays?
I know this is a message board, and not fiction, but still.
The conversion rate last year was 94% (so 19 out of 20 times, it’s good), and I think it’s about the same this year. That’s not a gimme, but it’s pretty close. I know Crosby missed two (2!) today, but even so, I don’t want to base my strategy around something that someone manages to complete 19 out of 20 times.
With it being a Dom Capers defense, I considered the Cowboys scoring a TD extremely inevitable.
But...... the actual difference was the exact scenario the Packers found themselves in. When the Cowboys scored, the Packers were down 3 instead of only 2. Now the Packers have time to move down the field, and if they’re down two, they can get in FG range, kick a 3, and win the game. Being down only 2 presents a…
Can someone please explain why the Packers went for two on the previous TD? They’re up 4, and the 2 pt conversion puts them up 6. What advantage does this provide? Now, when Dallas scores the (inevitable) touchdown, and goes up 3, the Packers can’t win with a FG, they can only tie. Does “The Book” say to go for 2…
I saw the headline “Hurricanes stay undefeated”, and I thought this was an article about how we have yet to overcome the forces of nature during this 2017 Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico. Turns out I was wrong......
Easy to say when you don’t have to suffer the effects of CTE. It’s not just headaches and occasional memory loss.
You’ll allow it? I’m not sure anyone was asking permission.
“That’s the joke”
If they were written down, they would not be unwritten rules.
The guy whining about an autograph “for his kid” on social media kinda comes off as an asshole too...
If dealing with anxiety were that simple “Well, I’ll just face head on the thing that gives me anxiety”, then it wouldn’t be such a crippling thing for some people.
Dude is staggering around like a drunk frat kid, and why? Do they not have carts at Boise St. for injured players? This kid is clearly concussed, but hey, have a walk-about kid!
Same. (Brewers fan)