
Nah, I am absolutely starting to get the feeling that he’s actually an anti-semitic, racist piece of shit. When the shit just keeps rolling (so easily! So casually!) off the tongue like this, it isn’t just because he’s immature and doesn’t understand the language. It’s because it’s natural for him.

I knew I was right, but thanks. :)

That’s not a “huge” house. That’s about an average size ranch with a one car garage.

That. Is. Deeeeeep.

Same. Having my fall weekends free the last few years has been amazing.

As a Bucks fan.......

Yup. I play warhammer (and blood bowl) and spend 98% of my time in the hobby painting. Rarely play, but really enjoy modeling/painting.

Yeppers. He passed the 25 mph left hand turn sign, THEN accelerated to 68 mph, then saw the turn, and tried to decelerate. That is not steering lock, that’s just a bad decision.

Eh..... “Nazi jokes aren’t funny *anymore*”

“or winks to an audience who “knew” he wasn’t a Nazi.”

We’re not talking about hitting for consistent power. Every major leaguer hits for at least a little power. With dunking it’s simple. You either can or you can’t. There’s no gray area here, you can either jump high enough to touch a rim, or you can not. If you can touch a rim, you can either palm a basketball, or

This is ultra false, and..... just completely wrong. 175 feet is like a popup behind 2nd base. You were lied to.

The horde modes were fantastic. I’d love if they kept a permanent rotating group of horde maps.

Also, I will address another one of your points, where you said you suck at multiplayer games. I would 100 times out of 100 rather play with someone who “sucks”, but is actively engaging with the team and trying to help achieve an objective, than someone who is *good* and is running around solo trying to achieve

3 vs 3 (and when they have it, 6 vs 6) elimination is quite a bit of fun, even if you have sub-par teammates. If you can pick a character that can self-heal (Bastion, Roadhog, Mei) you can carry pretty well.

You clicked on the article just to make a dick comment?

I remember a time when Overwatch articles on Kotaku were about updates and gameplay instead of the skins and which characters are fucking which other characters. That seems like a long time ago.

Some days I communicate in forums and facebook using only gifs, if possible.

I’ve reduced my playing over the past 4-5 months because I just can’t take yelling at people to get on the payload/contest points anymore. I really dig these skins, so I tried to play for an hour last night, and on Eichenwald, my team retreated (defense) the entire way, and never once did anyone other than myself

Some cool new skins and sprays...... still can’t get anyone to get on the fucking payload though.