
“If StormFront thinks you’re doing a bang-up job, you’re doing something really, really wrong”

Overrated because he’s a low-scoring nut kicker? He plays fantastic defense, provides spacing and distributes the ball amazingly well, rebounds, and does everything that he is asked to do, and is required to do, within the context of the offense and defense that Golden State runs. I realize hating on Green is

“As a side effect, they’ve now also banned every foreigner who doesn’t have a Korean SSN from playing in PC bangs.”

My wife and I both use one account for Amazon purchasing, it’s just easier. I bought a graphic novel, and even though she had logged off of Amazon on her phone, it was sending her shipping/tracking updates on her phone, even though the Amazon account is tied to my gmail address. She even asked me “I’m logged out of

I keep my mic handy, but rarely on. If someone starts going “I need healing”, I’ll remind them that as Lucio, I’m not about to start chasing people down or extending myself (and getting killed) because they need healing. Come get it if you need healing.

+1 Bastion sitting off the point. They’re on the point and they’re at 92. Come help contest!! But no, there’s Bastion in bullet hose mode, sitting off in the corner somewhere, just trying to get kills. “I got gold damage”. Of course you did, you destroyed Reinhardt’s shield a few times. That was.......helpful, I

+1 Wayne Chrebet

I did. My bad. Apologies friend.

He’s a game developer. Its relevant. If you don’t want to read the article, you were under no obligation to click. Go stick your head back in the fucking sand and pretend these problems won’t ever affect you or something you care about.

How long til Blizzard makes the outside of the map out of bounds? I hope they don’t, I like that certain players (pharah, for example......tracer can jump out, and then recall back) can get out of the map and back in with some creativity.

meh........ if you have a Pharah who’s not calling out locations, they’re not doing their job. I played a comp match yesterday with what appeared to be five 9 year olds. 10 minutes of nothing but “OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. WHAT THE HECK. HOW DID I DIE???????????” THAT REAPER IS AIMBOTTING!”

With all that being said, (re: my previous post) Winston may have a little higher standing in the new meta if dive comps become fashionable again, given the nature of the D.Va nerf. People are seriously struggling to adapt to how to play her again, and she’s just getting shredded as people try to dive and DPS with

Good Genjis? Not a lot. Most of the time, when I play comp and see a Genji, (Depending on game mode/map), I groan and think “great, 5 on 6, this is a loss”. Now, keep in mind, I think Winston could use “some” re-work, not a complete overhaul like Symettra got.

That’s an interesting question. They shouldn’t be buffing/nerfing based on the lowest level play, like noobs and bronze tier players. (which I know is not what you were saying). Likewise, I don’t know if balancing should be done based on the pro players either. These are guys that can (and should) wreck shit with

Thanks for the great article! In the very first episode I was mentioning to my wife the excellent vehicle choices.

I had a ‘93 Accord that was driven to 278K miles with no major problems until the oil pump went out. At that point the car was worth less than the cost to replace the oil pump (it’s in a bugger of a position), so unfortunately, that was the end of her. I think I put the last 90K miles on it, so I got a lot of use

Does this happen to us console plebs as well? I have a regular team for 3 vs 3 , and I run Roadhog, and one of my guys runs D.Va

I love when I’m on attack with like a couple Lucios and a Mei and maybe a Zen, against like 3 Pharah’s and a Bastion or something. It’s frustrating but at least you know it’ll balance in your favor. Sometimes I just jump off a cliff right out the door if I need something better right away.

So I played about 5 games of this last night. (Actually, not “about” 5 games, it was “exactly” 5 games).