
I heart mystery heroes and can’t stop playing it.

The scam of providing cosmetic skins and sprays that have zero effect on gameplay and aren’t required in any way shape or form to get into the game? Yes, I can see how one might think that’s a “scam”.

Right. The article says that “power is not at a premium”. I think that’s a false premise. Trumbo is a one trick pony. He hits for power with a crap OBP, and terrible defense. Same for Chris Carter. They both had WAR < 2... so why would teams pay premium price for that kind of production? Joey Bats is 36, and his

If you’re on the payload, teaming up/grouping up, making sure your kills are confirmed, I agree.

Nothing wrong with junkrat, as a good junkrat can reck shit, but gold kills/gold damage in and of itself doesn’t mean shit if you’re not playing towards achieving an objective.

I don’t mind doing a flex pick at the start of the match (and actually this is what I usually do). I’m pretty adept at either Tracer or Lucio, but I find that I’m entirely comfortable in any role, so more often lately, i don’t mind being the flex pick guy.

The thing is, a lot of people don’t like to switch counter. So if someone is playing a great D.Va, and your team is having a rough go of it, (I find this especially true in solo queue), you won’t find a lot of players who will switch off of their pick to hard counter. If your team doesn’t have a good Zarya (I admit

Every once in a while I will go play a game against bots just to be able to have fun with winston. He’s such a great character, but just about useless in actual pvp.

In all honesty it wasn’t a good burn, because it was about as obvious a holding call as you’re likely to see. Fisher put his arm around the guy’s neck, and then rode him to the ground. Textbook hold, hot take nullified. 15 yards, and loss of down.

Nope. I’m pretty good at CODBOPS and really good at Overwatch, and I am *absolutely fucking terrible* at any version of Battlefield. I thought “Maybe it will be different with BF1" because I really wanted to play a WW1 game, and I just thought it would be different. I think the very best I was able to muster in

When an opposing player cleans his clock and knocks out half his teeth will the Duke Bench retaliate and start a scrum Or will they figure he’s getting what he has coming and leave it be?

As much as I’m a fan of Everything Overwatch, I have to stop clicking on these “shipping” articles, cuz this shit is dumb AF.

Something offensive is being analyzed.

This Is What God Wanted.

Heh. “nothing conclusive”. I know when I slip or trip and try to keep my balance, I also whip my leg out perpendicular to my body (into someone else’s nuts).

This is a beautifully put statement. I would rather we spend tax dollars housing 100 Dylan Roofs for life, than by chance 1 person gets put to death wrongly.

I think I’ve seen him run the length of the floor in like 6 steps (while dribbling the ball twice)

I want someone to just crane kick this douchenugget in the face so fucking bad. And the refs would hopefully ignore it or call it incidental contact.

I don’t play roadpig much in comp or PvP but he’s my main in 3v3 and nothing is more satisfying than pulling hanzo or soldier through a wall (or 2!) and one shotting their annoying faces. RIP broken roadpig hook. :(

Except that was not the contest being played. If the contest was “who got the most votes in the whole country” the participants may well have played differently.