If you don’t “get it”, then Jujy baby... you never will.
If you don’t “get it”, then Jujy baby... you never will.
With all due respect to Haute Couture, can anybody explain what the fuck is going on in the top picture?
Jessica Alba has been dead to me ever since she sued The Honest Toddler for copyright infringement, despite the HT blog being established first.
The other couple mentioned in this article, who are serving time for manslaughter? That’s the mother’s sister and brother-in-law. So, no, they apparently are not concerned about murder charges.
If you believe in God and think that God made Man in His image, why wouldn’t you believe that God gave Man the intelligence to heal? Why don’t you see medicine as God answering prayers to heal? I mean, I don’t see these same people praying to God when their cars need an oil change.
Guess you could say his rescuing skills are en pointe.
*shrugs shoulders, and patiently waits for Black Panther where at least I can see the dora milaje kick some serious ass. Also gets back to writing letters to Fox for them to free Storm*
I was really counting on the flying cars to make the dystopian future worth it. But here we are, dystoping our peasant asses off with not a flying car to be seen. What a ripoff.
Jfc. Superman, the superhero who spent a solid 70 years fighting for “truth, justice, and the American way” is an undocumented alien who’s not even from this planet, but somehow no one gives him a hard time about not being “American.” Correctly.
Before you give this article a hard time thinking that is serious, he’s satirizing the piece they wrote on vulture about WW.
Alternatively, accusing people of having a white savior complex isn’t so bad, especially when the money raised here and historically in lots of other cases has disproportionately gone to white victims.
Given that Oregon was literally founded as a racist utopia and that the PNW still has a huge population of white supremacists, I actually think this is pretty self-aware.
The underlying sentiment of what he’s saying is completely right on—and he says it arguably in stronger terms than those quoted here. However, as right as he generally is, I don’t think he’s right that it’s obscene that the bulk of the money went to the families of those murdered or nearly murdered (i.e., the people…
Chris Cillizza, a hackneyed Arrested Development reaction gif with a high-paying journalism job, had one of his…
Poor snowflake, women ruin everything.
I’d say that a slightly different interpretation could also be valid : uptalk not necessarily functioning as a demand for attention or agreement, but as a signal that says “I’m seeking your empathy and understanding of what I’m talking about, and I’m crediting you with the ability and/or willingness to give it.”…
It is. But that’s how John Wick seemed to me too.
Charlize is a talented actress and obviously stunning but why can’t she just kick ass in, like, jeans and a leather jacket? Charlize could wear a tracksuit and still look sexy, but at least then her outfit would make sense. Plus they’re in Berlin and it tends to get cold there! Put her in some clothes! And I also hate…
He had nothing to do with Deadpool.