
Avidemux to convert videos (linux afaik)

P.S. I want something like the Meizu M8 but that runs Ubuntu Mobile as a cell phone

I got my dirty paws on a copy of Linux when there was still no gnome but a GUI was there too... It came with a magazine. Since then all distros that came into my possession where tried on whatever PCs i had at hand. but i never converted to it fully.

PS... usually blockquotes should be somehow highlighted, tsk tsk tsk LifeHacker...

The more you have to explain... the more you are likely to get caught...

@Playstation: They have if you can settle for the 8 or MX versions of it... (using Wine 1.1.1, so i believe that newer versions can handle it too). The flash plugin is already there if you wish to install it, simply select the flash-nonfree from the software installer. For Photoshop, 7 works great, 8 kinda takes

oops... *my

@johnsmith1234: Because Macs and Windows PCs are so trouble free, right?

All this Vista, XP (and now human) new themes lack just one thing (at least while using the good ol' moomex theme), the ability to handle the backgrounds on toolbars.

This is easy.

It's a darn shame that Microsoft makes you jump through all those hoops (or fork the cash) for something that should have come installed by default... Eyecandy is not a feature (just ask around for the Leopard or Ubuntu Ultimate versions... Yes, there's only one version that comes with it all).

@chareverie: Yeah, is this any better than the not watermarked JW Multimedia Player?

There was an offline version of the Wikipedia somewhere... You know? That one that was compiled to fit on an SD card to be used with a Palm... I can't remember the name and it was really handy... If anybody remembers the name, could you please post it?

Pair VLC with Hamachi to stream your videos to your VPN!

It's not that you need newer PC's to run it, granted that you need a new PC... It's that the newer PC doesn't run it either!

It seems like a honeypot to me... Plus, is your data secure there?

@andrew_karre: I dunno if this new version has better compatibility, but AFAIK the main reason is that for anything Windows Live you need to install certain Microsoft Packages that cannot be installed yet (Ubuntu Feisty wine 0.9.46) like the NET Framework 3.

@edmicman: I would love a "human" theme derived from Vista's or XP's theme (you know, like that but orange)... the "Tango goes orange" doesn't make it for me.

To all of you who made it work on Linux: