
More of an "in your face fanboys" for people who think that result sets from competitors are better than google's.... It's simple, the minute yahoo and msn get really relevant results and stop visually spamming us that's when everybody will be going back to it.

Just think your response is directed towards somebody you really love. They too can hit your nerves but you tend to be less stubborn with your response.

On the same server i have my main website, some 6 o 7 demos, some 2 or 3 betas, and one extra domain (redirected to a folder via .htaccess). My main domain works it's mail with Hotmail (thanks to live domains from M$) the other works with Google Apps. Whenever i need to send something to my cousins around the globe,

Please be advice LifeHackers everywhere... Ares has got many computers (imho) infected with some nasty stuff. Avoid it when possible. Better stick to good old Shareaza or something along those lines.

I would have gone with "run multiple instances" instead of "run multiple versions" since it might get you into thinking about running multiple versions (like say ie5, ie6 and ie7) on the same computer.

If you have windows you just have to add another keyboard layout then set a key combo to activate it and one to get back to it. With XP goes like ctrl alt 0 (for me) for spanish and ctrl alt 1 for english, on vista i got ctrl 0 for spanish and ctrl 1 for vista, but for this to work you do have to know the layout from

I meant System Rescue CD, sorry.

Thanks Microsoft... Now reinstalling this Vista Laptop and getting SP 1 will be worse than hell.

The uncool part is that they are using iframes instead of using something like a flash file.... but ok. Now for the diretions part, why not add a button that links to the original file? better yet, since it is an iframe why not use the original address for the map?

Non-Generic: Body Cream, Deodorant, Toothpaste, Soap, Boxers, Socks and stuff to eat that was around when i was little (strawberry krispies are now Barbie's but they taste the same).

Gina... Can i translate this to spanish?

Given it's specs i would use it to make a just-surf pc or maybe an emulator pc. But given that there are lots of webapps now... It coulde be used for everything.

Isn't it easier to get a live cd and try before you install?

Ok, but does it DooM?

@ChamPro: Not if you use the described tool. And DVD Fab does that too.

@ShadowBottle: Sorry to burst your bubble but DeviantArt is not what it used to be. Yes there are great artists to be found there but there's also lots of people that just flood it with stuff that reall should not be there on the first place. If you've got the patience to look for the great ones, go ahead but expect

Windows Users:

After trying several tools for TTS i found that most of them often do not work with Vista... But i have to second the motion to try Dspeech. It just works, and you can always use the money you save on such software to get the voice fonts (I found the included ones not all that good).

Sorry to leave the topic a bit but it comes to my attention that Gina might not be using Vista anymore... Am I right?