
I like the php script approach... you could setup a page at localhost (?), with something like XAMPP you could have login, inbox and outbox but the tricky part is that all his/her email goes through your inspection before it gets in or out. You could pre program their contact lists and have them not type but select

"Ok my address is as follows (google for the nearest Save Darfur offices) but listen i would like you to notice that you are going to send my greeting card to a charity, so if you can please donate!".

That's it. Death by Blue Screen of Death or DbBSoD.

Then again CAPTCHA can be pwned (no, i mean it, google for pwntcha). Even generating the mail link via js is somewhat problematic because you end up revealing your email address.

I liked it a lot... this also reminded me about "The typing of the dead".

You got impressed with Vista but not with Ubuntu? hmmmm...

Dad bought a current inverter and battery charger, we hook up there up to four car batteries (obviously the whole thing is away from where people live, because of toxic fumes and such), this keeps my desktop pc (plus 21" monitor), my router, my ISP cable modem and printer working for up to 8 hours (ok it might be more

Apple should sell their MacOS to us non apple hardware users... That would kill MS at least at home users level!!!

What is the point? What about this product has truely improved to significantly affect my daily computer usage in a positive way that would compell me to spend $X? And don't say aero glass.

It's great to see people bash what they cannot comprehend!

A chemistry teacher used silica gel (which can hold tons of water) to keep his plants on glass pots. But i think there is a potential of kids swallowing the stuff (which is very harmful)...

Now we can fax somebody to read their email for free!

Haven't you read? Go to IEBlog, Microsoft has made available a legal VirtualPC image (Virtual PC and the image are both free) that comes with a preactivated copy of Windows XP running IE 6.

If it is a girl I usually go with "blowing a kiss", she usually shrugs or keeps on driving. If it is a guy I just put my hands and start praying something like "Thank you Jesus for letting me live and not make the mistake i was about to make".

You could always use logmein free service (i do and work on my pc from the university when at class).

Better to do what the guy from Miami Ink and Bruce Willis did... Let go.

It does, however, lookup on wikipedia which is a godsend (googlesend?).

Look though who you are giving this to, avoid getting the "oh i thought it was an ipod" look.

Whoa, i just had to say this. This does work as a "sandbox" or testing facility if you will. This can let people experiment at "localhost" with new plug ins for their site so they can mess it up again and again until they learn how it works or what it does.

Cool, cool now for the interesting part of this... can you point to the best plugin to keep comments spammers away in WP?