
My Libertarian Friend© is ranting about how Liberals are upset with Donald but thought that Clinton’s private life shouldn’t have been a subject of discussion.

The Dems think the New Deal and the Sixties were the beginning of progress toward what society should be. No Dem wants to re-create an era of presidents and civil rights leaders being assassinated and Freedom Riders being murdered.

Bill Maher did a bit this week about how “conservatives” like Andrew Breitbart, Dana Loesch, and Steve Bannon were all wannabe Hollywood stars who got rejected from the entertainment industry. So they were bitter and turned on liberals because Hollywood is run by liberals. Seems that Trump is doing the exact same

I wasn’t all that impressed... Until I got to the Animal Crossing ones

A democrat just won in alabama. Take what you can get. The gop threw their entire weight behind a candidate in their safest state, openly betraying even the slightest shred of the morals they claim to have, Trump went in head first and they lost.

They know they are not safe anywhere.

It’s a good W. But...

Yeah call me whatever you want, but this is like celebrating that someone passed a test after being given all the answers.

Alabama shows it has a tiny amount of basic human decency left by not electing a child molester to the Sentate by the thinnest of margins.

Congratulations Alabama!

Holy shit. It was not fun watching Roy Moore hold a lead for the entire night. Though it was satisfying to have it reverse with less than 10% of precincts left. Huzzah for meeting some basic level of human decency in Alabama.

When you study human psychology for even a second, there is one thing you see over and over and over again and nobody will admit it - especially not to themselves: people will do anything to not be wrong. Your last sentence has the seed for it - not so much just evangelical - but more ‘conservative’ tradition of:

The Ultimate Downfall of Thanos is obviously Squirrel Girl, and Stage 4 of the Marvel plan will be the search for her.

This could be the first step towards making Patton Oswalt’s Parks and Rec, Star Wars / Marvel, pitch happen.

Now playing

The movie of course has the potential to be great. But also:

I found this bone-chilling. Like finding out Voldemort knows your address.

This is probably the most satisfying conclusion to a column.

I didn’t see this right away and I called Dr. Hern’s office to ask how I could donate money directly to the practice. I had a fifteen-minute conversation with Dr. Hern himself. In addition to being a hero, he is a very humble and cool guy.

fuck off