What’s the better alternative, then? So long as I can select-a-size, I’m cool.
What’s the better alternative, then? So long as I can select-a-size, I’m cool.
Women still complain about their husbands not being able to see messes so not picking up after themselves. So the wives do all the housework, and the husbands are clueless. I’ve seen comments about this right here on Jez, and in essays by women writers. One of them bitched about how her husband never hung up his wet…
Trent from Daria.
Harrison Ford, known conservative and LeBeouf associate, made a good portion of his millions from his ability to convincingly punch Nazis. THIS IS A BIPARTISAN ISSUE, PEOPLE.
Yep. For the first time in my life, #I’mWithHimAndByHimIMeanShiaLaBeoufWhichIsWeirdButFuckNazis.
“She is just counting the days until he dies...”
To be fair that’s just his face
Keep telling yourself that. When people support things, they show up. See also every championship parade, and prior inaugurations.
I had someone post this on Facebook and I responded that he should thank Obama for lowering the upemployent rate nearly 6 points so that no one could go to the Inauguration. After a quick back and forth about the altered unemployment stats (which now will NEVER be accused of being altered), all the comments were…
That’s the most jelly beans ever in one place at one time. Period.
Yes, we have to hold him accountable for his lies, even his stupid ones. Someday the history of this age will be written, and that history needs to make it clear that this man lied about EVERYTHING.
It calls into question who are his supporters, what is the actual quantity of supporters, and what is their level of support. Every time he and surrogates open their mouths, they speak of tremendous and record breaking support. But public opinion, attendence, and viewership don’t show that commitment. At most we hear…
We should expect him to lie about everything. After a year, this is pretty obvious.
I live in a red state in flyover country, and marched with thousands of people at my state’s capital yesterday. Let’s not forget that this march wasn’t just held in DC!
But lying about it repeatedly, in person and via surrogate, puts the new president’s priorities and lack of perspective in context. He could have gone high and not addressed it at all, or he could have been petty but accurate and pointed out the enormous crowds he drew during his campaign. (He could even have said…
It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying ‘Beware of the Leopard.’
How nice would it have been to have woken up today with an alternative President instead?