
Mom, not *again*.

Which is why she asked him to call the police, which he can do via his radio, so they could do their job. They can't do their job if nobody calls them.

Everyone report it: Prohibited Restricted Item then select Offensive or violent material then select Disasters and Human Tragedies.

I used to fly enough to probably have elevated cancer risk, so I'm like, an expert and stuff. Also, a lot of this is going to come out really cranky because I'm sick and hate everything right now.

The first C in bicycle isn't a hard C, though. If you spelled it bic, and were consistent with the pronunciation of that from the full word, it would be pronounced like "bice." Which would be weird. In microphone, however, the C is hard, so "mic" when pronounced like the way it's said in the full word is

does Barry Manilow know you're stealing his wardrobe?

It's something I imagine Johnny Bravo doing

I prefer the term EVANGELOSER.

I came back up here to post just this - she drew you the wrist bandage. I hope writing this letter didn't aggravate her carpal tunnel.

It is telling, though, isn't it, that while there are lots and lots of "don't drink and drive" campaigns, they aren't actually accompanied by "don't be a victim: being out at night on the weekends puts you at far greater risk of being hit by a drunk driver" campaigns.

Making those "avoid a potentially dangerous situation" more gender neutral would be a nice change. Alcohol lowers inhibitions and reduces clarity of thought, which is a risk for all kinds of things. If you want to go that route, it should be "Don't get wasted alone because you could get mugged/hit by a car/fall in a

New poster: "People are ASSHOLES. Avoid them during the holidays and at all other times." Merry whatever, folks!

Good for you, asshat.

Sorry, but I cheered at this article. This girl is in a situation where it is clear she is being emotionally violated, and based on the tone of the article it would not be surprising to me if it went beyond that. She is not being protected or advocated for by her mother, and it seems like she is the oldest sibling.

I love a guy with a big, fucked up nose. My husband has one. All the celebs I have lusted over has had them. And the guys I have dated with them always were the best in bed, so they have served me well.

Snugees are the best. Fuck the haters.

your loungewear must be constituted in such a way that it doesn't perplex or worry you when you pour nacho bits and/or spaghetti onto yourself

It was a (small) step in the right direction. The two choices were 1) Do nothing, or 2) Do something to get people covered and slowly start pushing the national dialogue in the correct direction.

It IS cathartic to hate-read, but you did that for us here, and now we have absolutely no reason to give them any site traffic at all. Let's make a pact that NONE OF US will EVER go there, EVER EVER FOREVER.