Perfect but for one thing:
Perfect but for one thing:
They know they’re outdated and being left behind. The days of the frontier and Leave It To Beaver are over. The future is based on education and intellectualism and multiculturalism and technology and these people haven’t adapted to it. I’d feel sorry for them except they’re taking their fears and insecurities out on…
If we have to have old white guys for president and vice, can I suggest Popovich/Hansen ‘20?
Show some respect. That’s -The- Basque Separatist Marching Band.
It implies that men only care about women when they are their property.
If a player is diagnosed with a concussion AFTER passing the protocol, there needs to be a punishment for the team.
That pie was shopped. I can tell from the tin and having eaten many a pie in my time.
It won’t be. The dead-eyed church bitch will tell an obvious, verifiable, insane lie and nobody in the press will call her out on it. If there is somehow a tiny amount of push back she will continue to pile on such lies until the original lie is lost in the onslaught. Rinse and repeat. Unlike her predecessors, she…
I don’t think this plays as big a role as people assume (or maybe as it used to). Ask the average coal miner in WV or blue collar worker in AL if they think they might be rich (as in, a millionaire) one day and I don’t think you get many “yes”-es. I’d wager a lot of them HATE those rich folk for being rich.
Can I write in worst stadium town instead? It has to be Arlington TX. Not only did they get screwed with AT&T stadium, the cowboys practice facility, and the proposed new Rangers stadium, but the high schools now want multi-million dollar indoor practice facilities.
I feel the Texas Rangers getting a new stadium within 20 years of their old stadium being built and not sucking is pretty heinous.
Step 1.) Shut the fuck up and pay attention.
Meanwhile ToveLo is givin it away all over Instagram and cant get radio play to save her life.
Following up with the interstate theme:
Left turns on solid greens have to yield to oncoming traffic, even if that traffic is making a right turn. Vehicles turning left across traffic only have the right of way for an arrow (protected turn).
No it isn’t. Obama accelerated drone strikes, including targeting and killing U.S. citizens abroad. Didn’t close Gitmo. Signed off on disastrous military aggression in Libya. And Syria. And Iraq. Obama’s foreign policy was totally an extension of Bush’s foreign policy.
Nothing will ever top the Better Off Ted outtakes from the episode with the typo-d memo. Definitely NSFW btw...
I need you to listen. None of this is real. Do you understand? We’ve got our best people working on getting you out but, as of now, they can’t do that without you realizing the life you think you’re experiencing is a simulation.