
Most of them have full racing sim setups.

I call this poop chicken. It’s a terrible game to play, but a hilarious game to walk in on.

Mine was used only online and stolen.

It happened to me last month and all I got was a lousy form letter, fraud alerts on my credit reports, and some BS charges on my Best Buy card (which was stored on GS). Best Buy didn’t even catch it right away, I did. FFS.

Yes, but that doesn’t fit the narrative.


You’ve obviously never been to North Texas in the summer. No one is going to come to a game when it’s 108 at first pitch.

You’re correct. I like to think I’m not that cynical in real life. Sometimes I am, but that’s my problem.

I didn’t say provoke. I said defend. If you feel threatened, don’t worry about what people will think or “what kind of lesbian you are.” Do whatever you have to do to make yourself safe.

I’m ok with that.

I acknowledge that completely. As a lesbian, I’m uneasy with someone presenting as a male in a bathroom, too. We all have that worry somewhere in our minds.

WTF. I think you’ve been misunderstanding me from the beginning. The person who feels threatened should take the action. Also, I’m not a man, so go take that bullshit line elsewhere.

No, that’s not the same situation and you know it.

Yeah, the numbers are an issue, but there are a lot of people who back down real quick when the tables turn. It’s easy to say you’re going to beat up a trans person (like a guy running for sheriff here in Texas did), but if it came down to it, I’d question his courage.

Being polite hasn’t worked so far.

I posted a part of this somewhere on gawker, but it’s relevant.

Ah, gotcha.

No, not really. It's solidly green. I've never confused my car for the grey one.

That’s what mine looks like. Guard with the performance package. It’s damned menacing.