
If MLB is really concerned about the physical and financial well-being of these players—as opposed to the financial well-being of teams who want to pay as little as possible for top talent—implementing a system that would only further limit their choices and earning potential is an odd way to go about expressing it.

Dude, read the article before commenting.

You really don’t understand why left-leaning people might have issues with a system that’s essentially a cartel that artifically depresses wages just for its employees with the least job security and likelihood of a long career, instead of one that does its best to share the massive wealth across all its employees?

I actually work in a conservation lab. This estimate jives with what my lab and others put out.

It’s not though. This is pretty standard for conservation projects. It’s not simply a matter of hot gluing sequins on and calling it a day. It will require a lot of research and analysis. Finding the appropriate materials, ensuring that the shoes are not further damaged, ensuring that whatever restoration technique is