
But the people who go on killing sprees are? Is that what you’re trying to point out? Good on you, the whole stupid fuck thing.

I always enjoy seeing people who have ZERO idea what they are talking about try to criticize the police for not using a less lethal option. This isn’t a fucking action movie you moron.

“You seem to be a stupid fuck. Cops are not judge, jury, and executioner”


He got what he deserved. Killing cops, wounding others and claiming to have bombs. At least tax money wont be spent keeping him alive in a jail eternally

You go on a killing spree, you don’t get the liberty of non-lethal force. Simple as that in my mind. If you held up a convenient store with a gun, and were in there and no one was hurt? Sure, let’s talk, I’ll send in pizza and a handheld so we can discuss your non-lethal surrender. You post up in a sniper nest, kill

Black people are NOT the only people being victimized by the police and the numbers prove it.