

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's an alien humanoid and a millionaire dressed like a bat!

I would love to see Lifetime movie versions of the sequels and prequel. Those books are truly nutso. They make Flowers in the Attic look like an episode of The Waltons.


The real question is where's Cosmic Cow?

I'm all for Victor and Zeke rebooting Chico and The Man!

I'm hoping Jesse lives so he can adopt Brock, Holly and Flynn. Then Jesse, Badger and Skinny Pete raise them Full House style. There's your spinoff. I'll take my million dollars now…

I've always taken Lorelai's reaction as feeling slighted by the fact that Rory didn't inform her she was applying to the other schools (Yale in particular). When Rory does admit to it, she does it in front of the elder Gilmores which in Lorelai's mind feels like a conspiracy or betrayal.

We know what's happening with the zombie apocalypse in Georgia but how is the Pacific Northwest handling it? Hopefully the new series can answer this burning question.

I like this idea very much. Internet, make this happen.

I enjoyed the run of this show more than I'd really like to admit. It was just a nice, fluffy, Summer program. I would forget about it a minute after it ended but by the next Thursday I was happy to see it show up on the DVR again.

I had a hard time focusing on the Tyce Diorio routine because I was so put off by the whole idea of this "issue dance". The generic natural disaster victim idea seemed like he was digging for a cause and thought "August is hurricane season, maybe by the time I can use this routine some city will be underwater!"

Thank goodness for the update! I was suffering some Michel level ennui.

I really love the Lorelai and Richard scenes in Help Wanted. Their relationship is always so distant even at it's best that it's nice to see how alike they are. Fathers often have trouble finding ways to connect with their grown daughters beyond familial love, and it's moments like these when they can bond as adults

I think part of what Lorelai was overreacting to was her anger at Rory. She couldn't admit it to her injured kid but she was upset that Rory was interested in Jess at all, not to mention the fact that Rory let Jess drive her car. Rory was kind of giving over control or power in letting Jess take the wheel, her wheel.

It was always a Davy Jones and Mike Nesmith tie for me. I would fantasize about dancing with Davy, and Mike with his little green beenie would cut in. Peter Brady and Chachi usually made an appearance as well.

I know it won't work out in a way that they nor I would like it to, but it gives me a small bead of hope for Joel McHale, Donald Glover or Will "Sexy and Single" Arnett getting a chance to host.

I know it won't work out in a way that they nor I would like it to, but it gives me a small bead of hope for Joel McHale, Donald Glover or Will "Sexy and Single" Arnett getting a chance to host.

And now for something completely different… Little House on the Prairie, episode: Founders Day.
I caught part of it recently on Hallmark Channel and was brought back to childhood, watching it while home sick from school. Schmaltzy, but it made me smile.

And now for something completely different… Little House on the Prairie, episode: Founders Day.
I caught part of it recently on Hallmark Channel and was brought back to childhood, watching it while home sick from school. Schmaltzy, but it made me smile.