
I’m now in love with Lil Drac. And yes, he does rock.

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This is my favorite video of all time and I watch it almost every day.

Guys, let this be a reminder of several things.

Girls, Lisa. Boys kiss girls.

Gore Vidal is forever amazing and interesting

“Well kids, we all know that sometimes when TV characters die, they’re back again the very next week. That’s why I’m presenting this sworn affidavit that Frank will never, ever, ever return!”
*everyone cheers*

“Claire, I must go! My planet needs me!”

Comrade Fran makes some good points, but lol @ “conscientious capitalism.” Also, putting the onus for change on individuals, especially poor/powerless ones, is shitty. Also, the pseudoscientific nonsense needs to go.

I still don’t buy this. He’s an uncontrolled dumpster fire no matter what’s going on. I don’t think it’s strategy, I this its just Trump being Trump.

All retail stores are going through issues, but Penney’s fall started when they had a CEO who announced they would no longer be doing “sales.” They would just have the “lowest price” all the time. People did not care and stopped shopping there. Americans need/want sales to justify buying clothing.

The loss of thes big department stores (JC Penneys, Sears, etc) and the malls they anchored make me sad too.

Not really. Old ownership tried to make that happen but the games played there didn’t drawer that well; nomsellouts, less than 40K for the last game.. Why pay to go support a team that really isn’t yours?

They finished 3rd in a poll by the Toronto Sun, behind the Steelers and Patriots.

I put talcum powder on my thighs to use the treadmill. I’m a dude, so I’m looking forward to finding out where it gives me cancer.

Fuck chub rub. I don’t even feel like my thighs are THAT big but I gave myself a nasty rash/injury. My friend recommended bandelettes and my life has changed.

Not at all. Delta is the shit right now. Free meals cross country, free booze if there’s a delay, a shitload of free movies on their screens, good legroom, happy flight crews. Now add “gets you off the island before the big storm hits” to that list.

On a flight with friends coming back to US from Cancun. We hit major turbulence with probably half the passengers using air sickness bags and more than a few screaming & crying. I & a bud sat in a fwd row waving hands up over our heads like a roller coaster.

Actual photo of pilot

This made me tear up. I know I’m going to have to buy this book despite the fact that I will cry all the entire way through it.

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We’ve all been there. You either put up with slimy creep making you feel uncomfortable and hate yourself for tolerating his bullshit later. Or, you make a scene and have everyone tell you to lighten up because having the rampant sexism in our society pointed out makes people uncomfortable. It isn’t polite to demand to