It definitely marks the moment Donald Trump became a certified villain in the history books of the future.
It definitely marks the moment Donald Trump became a certified villain in the history books of the future.
I think we gave up that title a long time ago, if anything its been more of an honorary cheap sash we’ve been wearing since that cursed Chester cheeto pinata -come -to- life shambled into the white house. Upside is that the likely leader of the free world is now widely considered to be a woman! So that’s something!…
So, does the withdrawal from the Paris Accords mark the moment when the US more-or-less officially gave up the role and title of ‘leader of the free world?’ Asking for a friend humanity itself.
Huma. Honey. He’s not good for you. He’s not good for your son. You haven’t failed, I promise. You are doing what is best for your family. Don’t let him back in.
To be honest, what she can receive now is simply palliative as by definition, she has stage IV breast cancer.
Olivia, please use more actual medical treatment and less alternative medicine horseshit.
She’s better looking than 60% of her siblings, for now, but someday Barron will grow into his Slavic cheekbones, his eyes will just smolder, and Tiffany’s downfall will be complete.
lol, okay. But what’s his real name?
and her boyfriend, Ross Mechanic
Good God, woman, you were the one that got away! Your mom literally ran until she hit the ocean to keep you away from the all-rotting radioactive aura that is Klan Dump! Why in the name of all the saints are you thirsting with such fervor for approval from this morally bankrupt horror show of…
Tiffany Trump is like that girl who adds you on FB (even though she ignored you back in junior high) & has “School of Hard Knocks” under Education. The only thing stopping you from unfriending her is all the awesome drama on her wall.
I’m a horrible person who has a special place reserved in hell for me, complete with a velvet rope and a disco ball, because I was distracted by the picture as I read the headline and thought it said “Prince William Opens Up About the Loss of His Hair.”
Terrorist. Lets call him a terrorist because that’s what he is.
Seriously. It was Joe Lieberman, not Mitch McConnell that sunk any hope for any sort of public option. If expanding Medicare to people over the age of 50 couldn’t be accomplished thanks to people on “our side” it’s completely ridiculous to think single payer was ever a serious possibility.
From other reports, it seems the document was always considered highly suspect within the intelligence community. One comment, off the record, even suggested that it was mostly used as a post hoc justification by Comey and his allies and played less role during the investigation. I don’t know if that’s true, though it…
Presumably, though, the reason they knew they were fake was a source that they wanted to protect. Declaring them fake would have dried up (or possibly killed) that source.
This is my best understanding of the article as well.
OK, somebody catch me up here. Is this like the Enigma Code thing, where Comey discovered too late that he was getting fake intelligence, but believed that he would tip off the Russians that he knew he was being played if he dropped the investigation?
That’s a nasty catch-22 for an intelligence official. Still, I’m not certain he made the right decision to protect assets over the country at large. He was politically naive and reportedly was certain Clinton would win, so only worried about the far-right’s reaction.