State reps are supposed to be working FOR us- instead they’re locking their doors on these women and refusing to answer our calls. Let’s not forget this in 2018.
Ollie ain’t no fool. There’s free food and lounging space at the zoo. She might be a wild animal but she’s a wild cat-and cats will put comfort above everything else.
Ollie is an example of somebody who’s done an amazing job and is being recognized more and more, I notice.
“So she never came out to say hi while we were standing there. She was just waiting to see what kind of goodies we left here for her.”
This. If she did a reverse Nixon and got on a private jet with her middle fingers thrown up as the world burns behind her with a neon sign above her head that flashes “BUT HER EMAILS” while cackling “Lie in the bed you made, fuckers!” I’d love her forever. Fuck this “When they go low, they go high shit.”
But there were people who supported him who were purists and willing to burn everything down.
Give it a rest. If you honestly believe her to be “the most corrupt candidate to ever run for President” than my guess is you voted for Trump & have an IQ in the double digits.
Most of the Bernie supporters came around and supported her, so I don’t really like the BernieBro label. But there were people who supported him who were purists and willing to burn everything down. Those people and the Jill Stein supporters can go fuck themselves
I really hope she calls out all the sexist shit she had to wade through... especially the sexist shit from the left.
There is a small part of me that thinks this is part of a “lose a battle; win the war” strategy. As in let this one go in order to stop a worse pick, then go back and get rid of him after he has hung himself.
I can only assume (hope?) they are backing him because they have bigger fish to fry in terms of the cabinet nominees (like they’ve made a deal that they’ll back him if so-and-so doesn’t back someone else?). This still feels like a betrayal, but there are worse cabinet picks, imo.
I hate to violate the Feminist Prime Directive, but that is a SHOCKING change in physical appearance. I guess being evil for so long really DOES start showing on the outside.
Jenna: “Once Trump got elected, I was like, I’m going to be here—and comments I got from other people in my life that voted for him, like ‘I don’t understand why you’re even going, it’s not like you can change the presidency.’ And I was like, okay, thank you, because now I know for sure that I’m going.”
I think my favorite moment during the march was listening to the man behind me very matter of factly explaining to his 7- or 8-year-old son that they were marching because a lot of people discriminate against women just because they’re women and one of those people is our new president and it’s important to speak out…
“I want to unite everybody because as a team we’re stronger together.”
Jonathan Chait?
Spencer did nazi that coming....