
HOW those haven’t been leaked I’ll never know. You’d think the IRS would have more than it’s fair share of malcontents willing to slip a journalist some info.

That’s really all I want. The whole thing will tumble down once his tax returns are leaked. Don’t know if it’ll ever happen though.

Also, walking out to a Coldplay song, a band whose most famous song is “Yellow”, was about as tangential to shady as the President is allowed to get.

There is some Ivy League professor who has called every election correctly for decades (he got this one right) who is predicting he’ll be impeached. But I’ve done the math and you have to go about 5 or 6 people down the chain before you have any chance of a decent human being to take over.

True, and then we can live in Ayn Rand’s America. Better than Gilead!

God I can’t believe he is going to be gone. The last adult in Washington is trying to make us feel like America isn’t over.

The things Pence would do can be fixed. Laws can be repealed, judges replaced in time, ect. You can’t un-push the red button. I’ll take The Handmaid’s Tale (fighting the whole wayover The Road, terrible as it might be.

Golden showers aren’t, but being blackmailed by Russia might count for more with his fans. Other allegations are that his aides were in contact with Russian officials leading up to the election. But I agree with you that nothing ever seemed to stick to him, so this probably wouldn’t have either.

Obviously, one Russian did!

Mother Jones has been covering this since October.

I know a lot of people here are anti twitter but it’s ground zero for this story and I recommend it.

Thing is we get a Pence presidency either way. Trump just wants to hold rallies and let Pence do everything else. Getting rid of Trump at least alleviates some of my existential terror. (I’ve never had a dream involving a nuclear explosion in my life . . . until a few nights ago.)

thats the #1 reason.


On a serious note, this actually happened. The Trump campaign removed harsh language regarding Russia/Ukraine from the Republican platform. He then implied the US would not defend its NATO commitments in Eastern Europe. Granted this happened in July and I’m not sure when this report was written. The best I could find

Russia. Timing.

Because emails/Benghazi/”working class”/Establishment/Shillary/Both Sides Do It.

fave joke thus far:

They had to wait for someone to leak it.