Every single time anyone says “Obamacare” to me, I always very politely respond and take the time to slowly say: the Affordable Care Act.
Every single time anyone says “Obamacare” to me, I always very politely respond and take the time to slowly say: the Affordable Care Act.
Because most people don’t realize that ACA and Obamacare are the same thing...le sigh.
nobody understands him and it’s “Magical”
Even money that if you were talking about the ACA and interchanged the terms ACA and Obamacare, cheeto benito would thing you were talking about two separate things.
I don’t think he even knows what he tweets most of the time. He just throws together a bunch of words into a sentence that sounds authoritative and scary to get the rubes that voted for him to stay on the hate train.
I think he’s just an overall moron.
People like the ACA, except when you call it Obamacare. People are also fucking idiots.
Trump would have definitely lost to Obama. With all her problems with the press and the sexism she faced, Clinton still had almost 3 million more votes than Trump. Trump is president only because we’ve got a goofy system in place that makes the damn South more important than it is. With Obama’s dynamic campaigning,…
We probably are brainwashed, but I think we got brainwashed by the right side. My mom, the American army brat, is way left of most Canadians she ended up among, and I am pretty sure she’s why I feel the same way.
I think they’re confused AF, because like you said, they take their marching orders from Trump. Who has his “Jewish daughter”, as well as Kushner who appears to be one of his most trusted confidantes, plus he’s now appointing a bunch of Jews to his cabinet. But their natural inclination is to hate anyone who is not a…
I know, right? Exhausting. One could say it’s a...I don’t know....burden?
He probably deleted it because he was getting death threats.
Do you have any idea how hard it is to be White? It’s not easy controlling the vast majority of the world’s wealth, political power, and military might.
Don’t ever go on Breitbart if you want to maintain your belief in basic humanity. One of my “favourite” new developments on the site is a seeming newfound earnest concern by the writers with anti-semitism. But if you read the comments, it’s full of people decrying our control of the (((banks))) and the (((media))),…
It seems the Nazi “Alt” right are the ones in actual need of safespaces and whose feelings are easily hurt.
If he thought Drexel was stupid to criticize his tweet, then why did he delete it? He should have left it up.
Yup, especially after becoming so close and leaving so many years of tribulations behind. The world sucks.
I just want to say that, while best wishes for Carrie Fisher to have a speedy and full recovery are good, my heart goes out to Debbie Reynolds. A parent shouldn’t outlive her child.
“Ha ha ha ha ha! Hilarious...Don’t be ridiculous!”
Lol, could be, could be. Although you’d think, with all that life-force sucking, that he wouldn’t have looked like a 90-year-old guy with a long wig since he was around 30.