
It’s both. He’s a walking Dunning Kruger...so horribly stupid but so narcissistic he doesn’t realize it.

Well, there was the “Trump TV facebook feed that wasn’t rigged” last night...so I’m leaning yes. :/


Not Trump specifically, or his campaign. The GOP and deplorables? Yep. But they’re going for Trump, trying to bait him and only him.

And considering OBAMA ISN’T RUNNING

I admit I do. I mean, it would be awful, but Michelle is so perfect and better than us mere humans, she could handle it, kick orange baby ass, and pull off a stunning gown by a relatively unknown designer at the same time.

YES! Beautiful. I’m torn into thinking he’s too afraid of Michelle to actually do that though. Nobody fucks with Michelle.

That, and the government has predator drones. They don’t have nearly enough of the military behind them for a coup, even if they think they do. Problem with living in an echo chamber.

THANK YOU! I was wondering if it would be too gauche to point out what a shitty swastika that is, but apparently I’m not the only one with thinks so.

He was SO taunting him. “Come on, little baby man. Come play with daddy and fuck yourself over even more for ANOTHER two weeks.”

If they’d never given him coverage to begin with, he wouldn’t be here at all.

Just remember: the government has predator drones. These assholes don’t, and there aren’t nearly enough in the military that support Trump for a coup.

The alt-right would call him a “cuck.”

Same but for different reasons.

I’d say, “WTF?” but projection is his biggest deal. Maybe Dean was right...

And of course, none of them is calling for a wall around Kansas.

One, beautiful play there. ;)

I had a man I work with say, “well, I don’t know any women who have been raped/assaulted.”

OMG. Maybe that was his plan! Maybe Ryan really is in cahoots with the Clintons and the Illuminati and the MSM and the Lizard People to win!