We’re only on Circle 7. Still two more to go. :/
We’re only on Circle 7. Still two more to go. :/
I am so tired, and so scared, and frankly disgusted and devastating finding out how many people I know who are okay with and think similarly to Trump. I was lamenting to a friend about finding out how people feel this election, and how I don’t get and hate how I could be friends with people who think like that. It’s…
Thank you for clarity in this trying time.
I think, truly, that Anderson was being a damn good journalist when he got him to deny THREE FUCKING TIMES he did what he bragged about in the video in the debate. He laid it all out on the table on a hunch it would inspire people to come forward because of his audacity.
David Farehnthold sent it to them for verification.
Malignant narcissism.
Yep. Which is exactly why a bunch of them tried to trend #repealthe19th
It’s been the main topic of discussion/treatment with my psychiatrist for my last 4 or 5 sessions. He told me I’m far from the only woman he’s seeing who this election is dredging up not only current anxiety/compulsions, but also past shit. A significant portion of the electorate is feeling personally victimized by…
Which is its own kind of disgusting.
And a source says Bannon announced in response they were going to make Bill “look like Bill Cosby” in response.
It’s always the woman’s fault. Duh.
He doesn’t need to be 20 years younger. *purrrrrrrrr*
That was interesting. People like him are supposed to be good at schmoozing, and you’d think he’d want to hear people gush about meeting him. Unless he was aware of how badly he failed—he does draw energy off crowds.
He really is. And his charisma is legendary. I have a good friend who met him a few years ago, and she said she was about 30 seconds away from just taking her pants off, and he wasn’t even being skeevy. He’s just THAT GOOD.
Don’t worry, Slick Willie is already working him:
I wish he’d had a spoon in that cup of coffee he could just stir and stir and stir.
Ok, this is weird. I’m starting to get a Brittany Murphy’s character in Girl, Interrupted-vibe from this. For real now.