
Does he have actual ownership??! I thought it was all NBC...

It won’t come from NBC proper; I bet if it (they) does come out, it’ll be like with the Access Hollywood tape: not officially.

Every single one of those. First boob grope I was 12, crotch grope on the subway, at a club, and at a graduation event, ass grope on a cruise.

IF they manage to get him to resign and replace him, the Dems need to hammer home that they all KNEW he was like this. It’s only now that there’s evidence on tape.

He just said he’s NOT dropping out.

I will never give up “bigly!!!!!!!!”

AND, he actually abused women is he touched them without permission.

Possible but unlikely

i ventured onto FB and the mental gymnastics are gross. So is twitter. Makes me wonder if they replaced him (WaPo seems to think that cant happen even if he resigns) if they’d still lose “bigly” because the Deplorables will defect.

“Please clap.”

And they knew it. Fuck them. The media are partially responsible for him even getting this far.

I’m gonna give him credit for at least using “assault.”

He CAN (he won’t), but ballots are printed and out in many swing states. Voting has started.

I honestly think he just likes swinging his dick around, now. “Haha, I can hack anyone!!!”

DON’T GET COMPLACENT. When we get complacent, assholes who want to turn us back to 1950 win.

YES. I can’t say I’m a fan of Snowden per se, but when you listen to him speak, you can see that he actually thinks about things and isn’t just rooting for chaos for the sake of chaos.

Maybe we’ll get more bombshells about how they wanted to get a hold of copies of Clinton Cash as soon as possible. *eyeroll*