
This coming from the asshole who entered the "conversation" with, how did it go?
Tell your story walking asshat.

Get back in the pen, sheep.

Oh God. Victims to blame for their victimization.
I'm co-opting a term someone else is using against me, nonetheless being an architect means making your own plan, in my argument, for your liberation.
Once you've been victimized, you have a choice, (in this scenario) to either submit or not.
Since no one else in this

Don't know what that is, and I have to think I'm not going to care.

No I didn't.
So you would submit to someone who took your eye?

My premise is how the writing is either really smart, playing into perception (including but not limited to mine and yours) but I doubt it, or the writing is really weak which the rest of the season supports.

Your good place to start would be fine if you were examining the sketch and its writing before you delve into laws as though they were immutable, which they aren't.

So you know it's true. Good.

What a sad myopic existence you lead.
It's apparent you cannot refute the perspective you're willfully blind to.
You attack me, because you can't attack the premise. The premise which you can only see what you want.

Yea! Ad hominem!

No, I didn't.

Struggle, I'll take that. It's preferable to submission.
…or it could be you.

If nothing else, your comprehension is consistent.
SNL is "red pill[ing]" the fucking Handmaid's Tale, you seem to be blue pilling SNL.

"…the gnawing unease coming from the premise that, for evil to triumph, all that deeply mediocre men have to do is worry that their female friends won’t show up to their keggers, rather than that they’ve been turned into woman-slaves."

No one noticed how the thanks / goodbye was especially cold for such a good episode?
Everyone huddled together…not a lot of hugs for the host.
Something is rotten in Denmark.

Amazing example of how the baggage you carry colors your perception…

…and increasingly cogent, not to mention the right side of history.

Obamacare’s marketplaces and Medicaid expansion make health coverage a good deal for those near the poverty line, but those earning not much more still often struggle to pay health plan premiums, and face deductibles that are much higher than those seen in a typical employer health plan. In the law’s first three

They were told, if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. That’s not true. And it’s just empirically evident out there that, insurance companies are leaving Obamacare exchanges, leaving voters, consumers with fewer options, not greater options.”

Well what it was was, we'll give you insurance, but you won't be able to pay for it. But you'll get a nice card with your name on it. If you can enroll, because you know, the web page.
So there's that.