
So a character is an atheist…no problem.

Fake News.

"The video is several hours long, but…"
No. Just, no.

"goish kakhfa ai-d dur-rugnu’"

"Can we just stop fantasizing about the South winning the Civil War?"
Please! There's already too much fantasy racism as it is!

This is the participation trophy of "comedy"…

1:32:48 in my copy
"Oh God"
"Hey buddy, I think you lost this."

Especially when commenting on a failing corporate subsidiary…

Ooooh, Reebok virtue signaling.
Guess Reebok exploiting the female form isn't generating enough profit.

Sure, your loins are on fire now, just wait till you find out he voted for Trump…
…you'll be pissing fire.

So, they're just ignoring his Spidey Sense after he used it in Civil War?

Make Room for Daddy…

Fun as Hell.
May's ending was outstanding.

Has the digital exploitation ceased…have the slots been removed / destroyed?

Just watched.
Very good.
Seductive / Teasing / Grounded / Shocking.

That was the most straight reporting of a subject I have ever seen here at the AV Club.
It can be done.
Now on with the AV Clubs riled up base…

Wondering if Jimmy and Kim still have a honeymoon ahead of them…before that bridge burns.

…manifest through a WIDOW’S rage and anxieties…

It's an old story and I believe it.
If it weren't for Marcia Lucas the Washington ending to Raiders wouldn't have been filmed. Lucas AND Spielberg both dropped the ball on that one.
Lucas was adding on to the films in an attempt to erase his ex-wife from the process. It's hardly unfair since the final cut was what, the

Great Googly Moogly