
I’m impressed that Archangel is accurate to the comics/old 90’s cartoon right down to the digital looking face tattoo thingies. I like that Singer of 2015 is like “Fuck it, go ALL OUT on bright, crazy, 80’s comic book cosutmes....while 2000 X-Men Director Singer was like “No one will buy those bright, garish

That Quicksilver is wearing a Rush t-shirt...amuses me on a level it probably shouldn’t.

There were book sequels to Willow. By Chris Claremont and GL....and they were literally one of the WORST things ever written on paper. EVER. They killed off Sorsha and Madmartigan in the damned prologue, made Willow not act like Willow, introduced a furry blue wookie thing, and made Elora Danan a raging shitheaded