This thing is getting close to this site’s award show logic of “there can only be two possible outcomes: either i win or you’re racist”
This thing is getting close to this site’s award show logic of “there can only be two possible outcomes: either i win or you’re racist”
Your hypocrisy is astounding. If ‘whites’ trip on a non-white being cast in a ‘white’ role they’re racist. Now...people a trippin’ over...oh wow look at that...a Hawaiian cast as a Hawaiian.
Unless your bidet has a chemical soap in it (a hydrophilic/phobic polarized molecule), it’s also leaving about as much poop.
Though I don’t condone violence...
“‘What did my family ever do to you to warrant these decades of harassment and your constant bullying disguise as jokes?ʼ”
That one is actually referring to a different thing tho. It’s used to refer to a price that is most or least marketable to a consumer. Like “setting our games at under $50 is an appealing price point”
I love synergy. It’s a great word and a has distinct meanings based on what type of relationship the two bodies/things have with each other.
going back to one’s career after prison time for drugs (that resulted in an international situation) is inspiring? I’m not a fan, but by this logic tim allen is the feel good story of the century
I’m not sure that I’d call Georgia “deep Red” at this point, considering they went for Biden in 2020 currently have two Democratic senators. Sure, their victory margins were slim, but the fact that Abrams underperformed Warnock this past election does not speak well for her overall electability.
Stacey Abrams reminds me a lot of Beto O’Rourke - a person that everyone seems to think can do better in bigger elections despite losing in lesser ones. maybe she does better nationally than in her deep red state, but she’s now lost 2 elections in a row. i’m not sure i’d be thrilled with her headlining a Democratic…
There’s a fairly famous comics scene of him being casually dismissed as a non-threat by Thanos, then Kang just touches him and accelerates his local time, turning Thanos into a skeleton in a second.
First villain to kill an Avenger I believe. Iced the Swordsman when he jumped in front of Mantis(also a 70s Avenger).
Their methodology is based on how many people actually invoked Kayne West NAME while committing acts of violence. That’s pretty straight forward. You might want to read the article again.
No one is saying Jewish people can’t be racist towards Black people, but you seem to think Black people can’t be racist towards Jewish people. It’s not a zero sum game where either you’re oppressed or the Jews are.
“These reports of antisemitic attacks are clearly some kind of Jewish conspiracy.”
My number #1 would be: Do Not Burn Bridges!
People have been saying that about Sharpton for fucking 20+ years.
Rules you should’ve learned well before leaving grade school.
The “on” in “on purpose” means “according to”, the way that an action can be “on plan,” i.e., according to my purpose/plan. “On accident” doesn’t make sense because accidents aren’t intended, so an act cannot be “according to my intended accident.” Of course, some also have a strong bias towards “by accident” because…