whiffle ball tony

Guess what? It hasn’t turned into a communist, Muslim, atheist cesspool.

Right? Same here and I’ve been through some SHIT. I keep mulling over why it’s been such a shock. Is it because I’ve internalized some blame for the other events? Or I realized that they couldn’t really be stopped/prevented and this could?

Ah, but that’s the Protestants. With the Catholics, you need faith and good works.

i love the second thought because it reminds of

America is the 238th season of the Walking Dead.

That is how most political groups as well as the Park Slope Food Co-op operate.

But I thought emails

I’m sorry but I fucking hate this kind of take. Being an asshole is not a mental illness. She might have a personality disorder, like trump seems to, but there’s zero evidence she’s mentally ill.

erm what?

She’s this red-headed lady who used to live with a gay guy then started wearing really big scarves.

Are we sure that wasn’t Parker Posey getting in character for her next Christopher Guest mockumentary?

FUCK OFF. It’s not their fucking bodies. And no. Men can leave and pay some fines. They can put the kid up for adoption. Imagine being told you had sex and now you are forced to grow that child in your abdomen for almost 10 months experiencing nausea, vomiting, sluggishness, visibility by everyone around you, possibly

The lights look like something Katy Perry would wear in order to accentuate her midriff. 

My father’s cousin was murdered in Miami while she was prosecuter. He was your stereotypical pothead murdered by the preppy, clean-cut guy next door who happily played off people’s misconceptions to claim self-defense. According to everything I have been told, it would have worked if not for Janet Reno.  I wasn’t

Yes. She will be on one side of the desk grinning while he glares at her. I see her asking everyone if they want coffee then sending him to get it. I would do that. Maybe have him be an advisor in Baghdad or a liason to North Korea for 4 years with no security.

Donald Trump slapped his second-most slappable son, who was wearing a Yankees shirt at the time?

Before you sit on your ass at home, instead do some research to have some idea about the status quo you are implicitly supporting.