
It’s not just gender inequality, wage transparency generally benefits labor over capital. The social norm against discussing salary bolsters all sorts of inequality.

and so was Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind.

I don’t know for sure, but I think she was talking about a movie where a vehicle had to maintain a certain speed. If it didn’t keep up that speed, the vehicle would explode. So the speed of the vehicle was the important plot point. I believe it was called “The Bus That Couldn’t Slow Down.”

All my dyslexics live in Texas.

Whereas the lion will only be useful in situations where he wants to avoid having sex with women.

If, after 9/11, someone had said “what are Americans bitching about? Americans kill Americans every day”, what would you think of that person?

But under the terms of the proposed deal, the Bucks would keep all revenue from arena events—even non-Bucks events.

4th best record*


No, you're thinking Harry and Ginny.

It's incredible, to me, the number of Bronco fans who desperately want this guy. Nobody is pleased with our run game, and I fully acknowledge that. But when you look at his rap sheet since college... think about the destruction of his own Ferrari with a baseball bat in March... look at how much shit he's caused at