
Because the "judges" know even better what all that codes means and how important it is. Because time and time again, our courts have proven that their understanding of patent law in regards to the computer age is actually appropriate or even applicable.

Man. These just keep coming.. from Real Genius: "Didn't anyone ever teach to to check your optics buddy boy?" Moral of story... Check everything before publishing anything. sheesh..

Scotty said it best in Star Trek IV...

This just makes me think of a quote from Star Trek...

Makes me think of a quote...

Annon - Want to really impress us? Deface CIA.Gov with copy written content that would then cause SOPA to shut it down. Then you would get a clap outa me. Oh the irony there. Sigh, never goina happen though..

To all those people that complain about the phone book companies waisting our resources... DO SOME Research before you complain about who waists more resources. Please.

I almost hate hearing this kind of wonderful opporutunity for fear it will have a dropping shoe problem later. Either that or hearing how some other company has sued them because its too close like their technology that does not work but its "ours"...

Awesome.. Thanks. I could never keep track of all that. And it proves my point.. Which one is everyone talking about? Advertising like that is just not worth it. And by having the bridge display advertisements (cause I know it would happen) would be a serious eye sore. I LOVE my home city and seeing the bridge in

Its a great idea to keep the bridge looking different but we ALL know what will happen after the first electric bill is received.. Advertising. The bane to all human eyes. Scrolling advertisements for cr@p nobody wants to by anyway. We used to have the Candlestick park, now AT&T park if memory serves me right.

I also went old skool and started using a straight razor about a year ago and have never looked forward again.. Pun intended. After the initial cost of purchasing a good razor, strop, soap and cup for the soap I have not had ANY costs added since. I am ALREADY saving money. Plus, I no longer have ingrown hairs or

I switched my wife over to 4g and we have the grandfathered unlimited plan and we did NOT loose it. You are ok. Just make sure that you tell the rep over the phone you do NOT WANT anything to change OTHER than the 4g with your new phone.

And here I thought I was always saying something that pissed everyone off. Interesting read and I will use this guide to help myself grow personally. Thanks.. :)

Did MS have a monopoly on computers? No. They had a majority maybe but not a monopoly. And yet the government still stepped in and split it up. Why? Because M$ shipped PC's and OS's with a browser already setup to use. Nothing stopped people from downloading and using any other browser and yet the Gov still

I am starting to wonder if Google passed up on the biding because they are getting to big like Microsoft was considered to big. So our wonderful government stepped in and forced M$ to split up the company by product (IE from the OS). Maybe Google is trying to stay below that mark. Course, our wonderful government

Sure do.. But as stated in this article.. By restating to them the same comment they gave me, "This conversation is being recorded for training purposes" clears me of those legal hassles... :) I just want to be able to prove later that the company I am speaking with DID in fact say they "would help me" one day when

Can someone suggest/recommend an app for Android (and iPhones too I guess) that will record a phone call of "both" parties? I have tried a few and they only record the other end of the call. Is there anything out there that works like a regular person thinks it should? ie. records both parties and will allow me to

I must hand it to whom ever built that house! 100 tons sitting on my house.. Not going to last a few minutes never mind two months later.

The main point of these attacks are what? Is this group of hackers going after Sony because they do not like them or is this just showing the inherent weakness in Sony's flawed system? Or is this a sucker punch into Sony's balls because of everything DRM that Sony has championed?

No kidden. Here is my addition.. Safe for my work anyway..