
“Everything is in absolutes for them”

Having the sick impulse to call the cops, from the site of one of the worst flood disasters in American history, to report victims of that flood for looting a supermarket; but also: a crime

This can be easily fixed with purchasing limits. No need to price gouge in a the midst of a national tragedy. Our 4th largest city was basically destroyed, now’s not the time to worry about making money off of it.

You need laws to prevent people that dont actually intend to live in the area from buying up homes and apartments there. The more houses you build the more will be scooped up by speculators and slum lords looking to further gouge the rent market.

If a crowd of people surrounds my car and starts hitting it, I’m getting the hell out of there. I can’t be the only person who feels this way.

Gold paint? Not gold plating?

I only agree with every single thing you said

No. When you buy a car, it is a thing that you own. You are not a steward of the vehicle, to preserve it for future generations. You use it as you see fit.

This is the thing that people who call for the outright banning/outlawing Germany-style of such groups fail to understand. They assume that such a tool (were it even deemed to be Constitutional) would never be used against them.

For example elections in other Western Nations aren’t bought.

Ignoring the part where the Republicans — you know, the people who actually control all three branches of the federal government and the majority of state governments — consider BLM a hate group is dumber. I don’t even know what fantasy world you people are operating in where you can’t see the point that

The thing is, this is the exact point Dikt1 originally made (and NotTheFern defended): labeling BLM as hate groups is entirely wrong, yet these commenters think that the move to allow the government to restrict hate speech will open the door to asshole Republican governors asserting that not-hate-groups like BLM are

You’re blatantly ignoring the point.

Personally, I support the ACLU defending freedom of speech without distinction to who they are helping. Defending freedom of speech is what they do and the government has proven over, and over, and over, that they cannot be trusted to choose who gets to exercise free speech and who doesn’t.

I would say that both groups have existed for a long time. Even when I was growing you up would always see the awesome custom ‘37 Fords next to the numbers matching 1969 Z/28 Camaro, and both would get a lot of appreciation.
My thought is that the “well optioned” craze is growing in part to two main reasons. First is

I think it doesn’t feel as absurd to many people as you think. It feels like a direct threat on people’s lives. There is a fine line between treating it as nothing to make the neo-Nazis feel de-valued, and treating it as nothing to make their victims feel de-valued.

This is all about generating outrage, fear and division. It is working and we are all losing.

Go see where the rare earth minerals are mined for batteries, or the places where they’re disposed of in 5 years. Then get back to me about clean air and water. electric vehicles may be the future, but battery production is just as bad for the environment as oil extraction, if not worse.

Is this really a problem, though? Its not like women aren’t making great music these days.

Why not both?