
This extends into a lot of arenas, but let’s wrangle it down to just this particular topic. It is not cool to make other people part of your sex adventures. I know that guest room is new and exciting and omg someone MIGHT hear you and isn’t that sexy and dangerous?! But no, bruh, just no. Because they might actually

Is he going to put on huge glasses and answer the phone with, “Ghostbustahs, whaddaya want?!”


Forget the ridiculous third reason for a moment. Why do there seem to be so many otherwise intelligent people who don’t seem to understand that the vast majority of the time it’s not appropriate to act on your sexual impulses? Literally everyday of the week I work with and walk by women that I am attracted to,

He referenced his own romantic experiences in a lab setting and how they were “disruptive to the science”

jfc, his nose hair is sticking an inch outside his nostril. Dude, no ladies in the lab were falling in love with you and they were crying because they were scared of your goblin teeth.

The university’s statement is important, his resignation is appropriate, and I wish my first thought hadn’t been about his nose hair.

I said I’d bang Laura Prepon, even though she’s a Scientologist. Cause...good goddamn.

Someone went full tilt and said no one cares about my boner and sarcastically commented on the fact that a woman doesn’t have worth until a man wants to fuck her, right?

I commended their attempt and thanked them for playing.


“Queers can’t get married because the bible is against it. So, to protest, we’re going to get a divorce...which the bible is also against. So, you know, Jesus.”

Now playing

This one is from the Detroit Zoo a few years ago. It is all things.

Are you Deer God? It’s me, Margaret.

EVERY picture of Amelia Earhart is from before she vanished. #truth

It’s commonly accepted that Fahrenheit provides a more accurate description of the ambient temperature and it’s impact on a person’s comfort level. Celsius is cute when used for science experiments, but little else. I’m a big supporter of the US switching to the metric system, but Fahrenheit is just more accurate when

Air conditioning is the greatest gift Jesus ever gave us. I’d be a fool not to wallow in it until my nips are nice and stiff.

For people living in NYC or northward, agreed.

Okay first off I am trans and second I don’t think you are a bigot. Here is the thing. Caitlyn Jenner will not ever be a cisgender woman. You are right. She will always be a transwoman. There are different ways of being a woman, or being a man. See it’s not just the ‘transition’ part that makes you a trans woman or in

Also as a side note-I’m not so sure their God would be into the large amount of face make up Michelle is wearing.

Jim Bob is asking Jesus for advice right now, and Jesus is all