
OR - just spitballin’ here - we could smack him in the face with a giant dildo.

Thanks, friend!

I just, really really want to smack him in the face with a shovel. Is that so much to ask?

This is the fucking correct opinion jesus what is wrong with you people.

That track list is the greatest thing I have ever read in my entire goddamn life.

“I killed three” and that’s the end of that sentence.

I think I read somewhere else that there is a sex toy thrown in there for the ladiezzzz.

Donald Trump, a cartoon representation of Irritable Bowel Syndrome in a pharmaceutical ad

Oh hell yeah. I get a period every 3-4 months, but it lasts about 2 days. Mind, I had fairly short periods before (4-5 days), but they did get shorter. I didn’t notice any issues with my skin - I may have had an extra pimple or two, but nothing noticeable.

Got it, love it. I felt slightly bloated for the first month or so, but after that, it’s been smooth sailing. And I drink all the goddamn wine I want.

Here ya go CDC.

Bring back Foodspin! PLEASE.

I will burn this place to. the. ground.

So simple. So hilarious.

“The #WorthSaying campaign is rooted in the brand’s iconic tagline, ‘Because You’re Worth It,’ and the belief that all women have something worthy to say.”

No joke, I teared up at that scene.

I came here for this. I leave satisfied.

Ohhhh. I guess? that makes sense.

What uh....