Ham Sandwich
Ham Sandwich
2-shot blocks are better for during a run
Come over to my apartment - I star in that show every single day as soon as I get home from work.
The cereal rankings and the comments underneath were some of the funniest shit I’ve ever read in my damn life. Definitely worth a mention.
I just like you because of your name, you fox-eared asshole.
Dude, this is gonna sound weird, but I might actually be in love with you.
Haha. Wow.
“Harvesting human organs is beyond barbaric...”
You’ll be fine!! Just breathe and try to think about something else - good luck!
I got my Mirena in March, and I HIGHLY recommend it. Insertion was somewhat uncomfortable (think a sharp period cramp for 30-40 seconds), but after that I was fine. Plus, my boyfriend felt bad that he couldn’t go to the appointment with me (work), so he bought me an ice cream sundae and a box of Cheez-its afterward!…
You’ve been KILLING it today.
It’s like a potato and Grumpy Cat had a baby.
Can we be friends?
Holy shit.
JFC. Is it that hard to just say “Hey, keep the noise down”? Why did race even need to be brought into it?
There is no explaining that shirt.
Burneko already solved this problem. Make your own damn hummus. It’s at least 6000 times better than store bought hummus.
I think it's pretty hard to tailor clothing to a giant turd.