
ha. The bartender made me feel like a freak.

Me too. I made the mistake of grabbing a drink on Valentines Day and everyone looked at me like I was growing a second head.

Let's be honest, if they were available year-round, they would not be that great. There I said it.

They look like little shoulder dusters.

In the year 1992 I owned a gold velvet bodysuit from Mervyn's. I wore it with a black tulle skirt. I was amazing when I was a freshman in high school.

Any ideas for what to wear when meeting someone for a first date at a dog park?

I think (and keep in mind, I am not a medical professional at all) that the thinking is starting to turn around on this. I don't know where they got the number 26, but if you are single and sexually active you should get it.

Someone send this to Patti Stanger.

Get it.

He's been touting it for years.

Thank you so so much. I had a colposcopy about two hours ago. While I am freaking out, this was actually very encouraging to read (I can look forward to the "coffee grinds" soon). My nurse practitioner also discouraged me from the shot (I think I was 28 when it came out, but also single) along with subtly slut-shaming

Good. So it's not just me that is annoyed by that.

She got started guesting on a show basically saying nothing. I don't see this as being far off.

Jeggings are the only way that I can show off those winter boots I have. All other jeans fit weirdly when tucked into the boots.

This post is awesome. Could you do one on paying back your student loans? I am about to start mine and I am scared, scared, scared.

I love you so much for this.

As someone who has a semester of library school to go, this worries me.

Seriously. Drunk shopping is awesome.

Yay! Bangs! Please say bangs are back after getting so much hate from everyone when Sandra Bullock wore them.

I'm so picky about porn because I get distracted by things like people taking off their underwear and not having anything underneath.I just think ew. Gross. I like a little plot though.