
@AristotlesCrab: Thank you! I think that I will wear sequined running shorts at my first run. I have to now that it was put in my brain.

Can we all agree that is Palin wins, we will just stop watching?

@alula: Ooh this week's is really good, even though it involves dog poo.

So Oprah is pretty much just fucking with bloggers now?

@ChristieLove: Why only 15% everywhere else? Other people have to make a living.

Looks like someone has a word of the day calendar!

Ooh Gosling, I just sexually presented myself in my pants.

@sylphish, the Goddess of all Scones: I know that was a big problem at my grandmother's house. Maybe there is a game, like Uno that you can all play after the meal? Or Apples to Apples? Something that might get you talking.

How do you deal with people who WILL NOT drop the subject and find that you asking is even more incentive to continue? I would walk away, but I am pretty sure they would follow me around.

Some men still believe that women do not fart. I met one recently. His fiance told him that we don't, which led him to ask me earnestly whether or not this was true. He then told me "I know you guys do because one time she was asleep and let one!"

@MsWhatsit: Ugh, I know! When she whipped out the Vaseline jar, I literally yelled "unnecessary."

@sissylarue: I completely agree about the tater tot thing. The first shot they had of Mercedes looking at the tater tots made me think "uh oh."

@notsodarling: The Make Em Laugh was so poorly edited. It was way too choppy. Just let the actors do their thing.

The biggest crime here is the fact that Teri put Vick's on his back. Who puts Vicks on their back?

Ugh, babies are worse than guilty of gaining the freshman, they almost double their weight in six months. Sickening.

I gained a bunch of weight and at Christmas, my paternal grandmother said something at dinner. Everyone tried to change the subject and she wouldn't drop it.

@dzaz: I agree. They should report the whole story.

@thePrototype: Oh no, I am not saying the lifestyle hasn't been around at all, I didn't mean to offend. I didn't word that well. I am saying that it has become more acceptable and while I wouldn't say "mainstream" it seems as though more people are out of the closet about it, which is cool. I am wondering if some of