I read somewhere (damnit I can't remember for the life of me) that it is not necessarily that men see themselves as "lost." Because boys are taught to adventure and explore growing up more than girls, men see this time as "exploring."
I read somewhere (damnit I can't remember for the life of me) that it is not necessarily that men see themselves as "lost." Because boys are taught to adventure and explore growing up more than girls, men see this time as "exploring."
@TyLiPink: I have tried and tried to wear them, but I just can't. I'm in my early thirties (and not a virgin, obviously). I feel like a freak.
I would enjoy this, but I am an FC Dallas fan and they lost.
@little_librarian is the Cuntness!: No! You're hearted! I know, when I first discovered it, I would listen to them all day at work. I was getting kind of sad when I was coming to the end of them.
@CandyBacon: Thank you. You have no idea how happy you have made me.
@little_librarian is the Cuntness!: Yay fellow Librarian Dan Savage Lovah!
@ShaynaLK: Congrats!
@erinna: I thought this same thing. Outing someone who is not ready could be dangerous.
It will be interesting to hear Dan Savage's opinion on this since he has been (rightfully) so critical of the president.
Sexy face strikes again.
@MagImpalor is a god damn spy.: And I might add, unoriginal.
@Katie Did.: I'm so sorry.
@Treeless: This show should only be used for entertainment. I can honestly say that her advice ruined my relationship.
I don't have any children, however I don't see how a parent can look at a child this age and see anything but love.
@metaphorsbewithyou: Agreed. I know people are going to vilify this woman, but she is obviously deeply disturbed. Didn't mean to get all Dr. Drew on everybody.
Did anyone else wonder what the hell happened to this woman in her life to make her act this way?
Oh my. I was never team Sawyer...until now.
Not defending these women, but I don't think Kathy and Hoda are all that effected by the recession either.
No soccer ladies? :(