
@BuffySummers: I definitely agree with that. I moved in with a good friend who had hid her OCD from me. (Literal OCD, not a cutesy nickname for it.) She decided the day after we moved in together that she was comfortable enough to go off her meds. Needless to say, we aren't friends anymore.

@Alohamaid: Holy crap. Thanks for telling me. I was thinking about getting this done and this entire post was enlightening as I have never heard about any damaging effects.

@hellosunshine: @sallyanne: Me too! I am from the area too, and 97 is hardly anything.

@Alohamaid: The process hurt? What hurt about it?

@Parenthetical: I am about to give up on Glee as well. They have made many of the characters completely unlikeable (I'm looking at you here Rachel).

Why didn't Finn pray to Chesus to make Kurt's dad well?

@Necani: I am going to look into this method. My dog is ridiculously hyper and out of control.

@keldo: I did once, but I was pretty messed up.

@suzy-q: Thank you. I love you so much right now, you said what I couldn't.

I have accidentally whacked my cat off the coffee table while "bowling." I wonder if there are some vet statistics to go with this news?

Thank you for explaining the Sofie thing. I was wondering why it was on so many lists all of the sudden.

@me-importa-un-pepino: Agreed. Last Christmas I got some homemade wine and jam and it was one of the best gifts I have received (even though the wine wasn't good, it's the thought that counts).

This girl needs to be cast in the Hunger Games movie stat.

@reddbettie: Third! I love it too, but lately I wonder if I am missing out by checking there before I buy anything.

@Ms. Muffin: Oh thank you so much. I thought I was the only one and that I had some sort of ridiculous acidic body makeup or something.

Betty White / Robert Redford sex tape please!

I have worked in both public and academic libraries and the accelerated teen students would always have sex in the academic library I worked in. They were all fifteen and could not wait to get away from their parent's eyes.

@aNOVELidea: Also, people read those books on the toilet.