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    If we're going to start pitching female cartoonists we enjoy, I'd like to throw Julia Gfrörer's name into the ring! I got her graphic novel Laid Waste for Christmas and after I read it for the first time I immediately needed to read it a second time (not in an "I'm confused" way, in a "let's do that again!" way). I

    <nerd>Noodle isn't the keyboardist of Gorillaz, 2D is the keyboardist of Gorillaz. Noodle is not the "keyboardist/guitarist," she's just the guitarist, although she contributed vocals to songs like 19-2000, Dare, 5/4, and Re-Hash.</nerd>

    YES (although if I remember correctly "divorced" and "beheaded" should be switched for both lines.)

    Pretty sure it was just the music videos. And it was, unless my memory fails, just those two songs. And I'm 90% certain the name "They Might Be Giants" was spoken beforehand.

    I don't recall, but I remember some girl named Pepper and one kid who shouted everything. It's the only reason I've managed to remember King Henry VIII's marriage history.


    I vaguely remember "Istanbul (not Constantinople)" but I don't remember the Particle Man one… Then again, Tiny Toons didn't stick with me the way that Kablam! did (although the Tiny Toons theme gets stuck in my head more often than I'd like to admit)

    For most folks of our age group (assuming you're about the same as myself, early 20s), if it wasn't Kablam! it was Malcolm In The Middle.

    Who else was introduced to They Might Be Giants through this show? I still get Why Does The Sun Shine? and Dr. Worm stuck in my head.

    I kind of wish he would've gone into what was so bad about Florida. Bad attendance? Too many right-wing hecklers? Too many left-wing hecklers? I'm bummed I missed my one chance to see him, since he did a show maybe 10 minutes from where I work on a night when I was working.

    Not only do I not see how many vouchers I have, but the codes don't display, and I only received $2.25 as opposed to $2.50. My concert experiences have only earned me 90 cents in vouchers to a white man's dollar voucher.

    Can I go home now?

    Apparently. You have to admit Elle Schneider doesn't have the same mass market appeal. Turns out you don't even have to have good genes for nepotism to work in your favor.

    And somehow his mega corny hyper-derivative daughter Elle King has two Grammy nominations. Is there no justice?

    "…did you invent time travel just to insult me and my movie"

    I'm reminded of something my ex-boyfriend said once in a conversation.

    A few months ago I was watching Ren & Stimpy on my laptop while waiting for a delayed flight. There was a girl who couldn't have been older than 7 or 8 complaining loudly next to me, and at some point I realized she had paused her complaining to try and watch over my shoulder.

    We demand better shark representation in media

    Sharknado 4: Another One

    Oh yeah, fuzz cutouts, poor sound quality compared to CDs, driving too far and having to switch the radio and the transmitter to a new station… My most recent one wasn't too bad, but it had to be plugged into the cigarette lighter (unlike smaller ones that just plugged into my iPod), and if my GPS ran out of battery