
"The history of the internment camp at Oak Creek is personal for Allison’s history-teacher father."

Because of your Krieger avatar I just imagined a whole group of legless cheetahs trying and failing to savage a plane full of passengers.

Sadly, Phil's occasionally incoherent, uneven recaps must live on if we're to have the pure joy of the comment section.

I don't follow those but I believe they disappeared around the same time Gilmore Girls TVCC did. TVDW promised that they were largely going to commit to finishing off existing TVCC while they wind the feature down.

Right now, I'm forlornly looking around an empty room while Sam Philips goes "LA LA LA."


I'm enjoying this news with the hope that, with a limited run and three seasons of knowledge about what *not* to do Tim Kring can write a better show, closer to his original vision.

He never did get round to visiting that Interdimensional Lost & Found.

Peter's new power means he can now only have 50% of his limbs in existence at a time!

Meaning Shia LaBeouf created Marvel, right?

I would've gone with Sunkerns and Roselias, personally.

Oh yeah. I was so excited when they actually pulled her into a villainous role after her mother died and then broke her and Scott up. But as the show builds increasingly complicated mythology it seems at a loss as to how the Argents or the Hales fit into it really.

Oh my god.

Of course the music is amazing as usual. (Although one can't help but flashback to Krabappel in balloons upon hearing "Fever") There's a rich vein of irony that the show keeps determinedly and successfully mining to create some of the show's most memorable moments. But it's starting too wear a little thin. It suggests

He's in the Nursing Home that Time and Hygiene Forgot. Paas is harvesting his infinite amount of black bile for its egg dyes.

I had problems with that but then shirtless Balleseros.

I assume that Sarah's has little love heart stickers on hers with "ALAN + SARAH 4EVA" written in pink curly letters.

I'm sorry, too busy sexing Stiles while marrying another Stiles to notice.

I love how Melissa is just in those scenes. They don't call attention to it, but it's astoundingly clear that she *is* a mother to Stiles. I'd really like if Papa Stilinski served the same role for Scott.

Stiles, Stiles, Anyone Not-Stiles.