Ted Wilson

Maybe, but the “same things” Claire Danes does blows the same things J. Lo does completely out of the water.

Feels like every day there’s a new J-Lo “story” on the AV Club. You all really need to chill out, Hustlers is alright but it ain’t Oscar-worthy.

I find it astounding that Obama is being called a con man when we currently have the actual, textbook definition of a confidence man currently sitting in the Oval Office.

Pulled America out of a complete shit-show of a recession

You’re a fucking idiot.

I mean he isn’t even a good politician from the stand point of what a politician is supposed to do: pass meaningful legislation and/or bolstering party power.

The day when Splinter understands more about the world of politics than Obama will be the day Trump is chosen as DSA president.

if you think Obama did nothing, you’re burying your head in the sand. Oh, the irony. 

Libby, young children of both sexes are wet behind the ears. You’re whipping the sexist card prematurely and losing all credibility in the process.

You’re fucking garbage, Libby.

I must disagree with you, and instead agree with the author of this article. To dismiss stories by saying they’re not real—a technical truth, but one that does not matter if we can empathize with the subject matter—and to then tell people who are upset to, essentially, get over it, you are not making things better for

I would argue that "pain" as in Tom and Jerry or the Three Stooges is funny because A) it is shocking and B) there are no permanent repercussions to the characters. A piano falls on Tom, and next scene he is perfectly fine, happy and healthy. Larry pokes Moe in the eyes and he howls in pain but shakes it off in

Daffy is pretty much the physical personification of arrogance—especially in something like Duck Dodgers. His problems are (usually) of his own making and we are laughing at him as he gets his karmic comeuppance. Moreover, he is not always the butt of the joke as he does get a happy end from time to time.

I do understand your feelings, but the only opinion I can give is my own. All I try to do is say how I feel and why. I believe, generally, you don't have to be "into anime" to enjoy anime—just as you don't need to be a film buff to enjoy movies. But you are right, I don't write reviews for anime viewers. I write

Except she is real, because it's basically the manga author's autobiography.

I sort of agree with this article. I have been watching this show since it started airing, and while I keep watching it for some reason, it mostly makes me feel sad, embarrassed and sort of sick. Sure, Tomoko's reactions can be funny, but I myself, as many others, can sort of identify with her and the feeling of not

Thank you thank you for voicing out about this, you are the only other person that I interact on the internet that like anime but doesn't like this show.

Coming into it, many people had told me it was the "funniest anime of the season." And as I watched tragedy after tragedy occur, I kept wondering "how is any of this funny"? Now obviously you and many other commenters are connecting with the story on an emotional level that I am not and are getting some bittersweet

Heh. I see your point, but I guess what I don't understand is why people would want to revel in the pain of anyone, fictional character or otherwise.