
(done in Kerrigan’s tearful voice)

Except there aren’t enough jobs.

So your employer cuts your salary by 25% due to “the market”, and if you say anything about it it’s you that needs to “take responsibility for himself and his own actions/decisions”.

You should be able to live off of working 40 hours per week.

Nah, they advertised it as a viable full time job with inflated numbers, and suggested drivers go buy/lease new cars for their new full time job. They had to pay out money for this false advertising.

“They blame everything in their life on somebody else”

Great, all the idiots who flunked history are now running the government.

So cool! Still miss Lindy around here.

Fuck yes ! #teamLindy

Oprah is a shameless opportunist and it is about time she was called out for it. She preys on society’s most vulnerable members and feeds them consumerist pablum as way to ‘fix’ their problems.

I’ve been a bit surprised by the reaction to Doctor Phil. Like, this was the final straw? When did people hear about Dr. Phil? Yesterday? He’s been a piece of shit for a long, long time. Whatever other gifts she has, Oprah has consistently shown herself to be a fairly poor judge of character.

Kubrick abused her to no end on the set of The Shining and would not allow anyone to comfort her. He did this as a twisted directorial technique.

I really wish that Oprah had never brought Dr.’s Phil & Oz out of the grays.

Thanks again, Oprah.

He bragged at a party that he had in his possession “a tape of Trump being a real dog.” These remarks prompted members of the Access Hollywood staff to locate it.

you should really be using a oatmeal soy lavender vitamin-infused shea butter fragrance-free hydrating soap stick from your local co-op

Condo boards and parent-teacher associations are where NIMBY helicopter parents and other sanctimonious meddlers go to indulge their autocratic fantasies.

Whatever face she has in the top photo looks amazing.